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Grargar: Xanadu Next and I redeemed the Dex freebie.
Dex is fantastic - make sure you fire it up sooner rather than later if that type of game is your thing!

Nothing for me yet, but I have a couple that I'll be looking / hoping for that I'll grab ASAP if they show up.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY
Stardew Valley
Darkest Dungeon

I actually have them all on Steam, but I have been wanting them on the glorious GOG!
Anything anybody would recommend, my GOG library is rather small.
Nothing today.
Maybe if something from my wishlist...ooopps, no games on wishlist, only some of those not safe for us Germans are interesting for me, guess I'll not buy anything from this sale.
Completing some of my wishlist;

King Arthur Collection
Tropico 4
Age of Decadence, The
Stardew Valley
This Is the Police

Might grab The Witcher GOTY later.
foxworks: And now we have benefit of digital flies. [...]
Hehe, mine can surely attest to that.
Xanadu Next.
Galak - Z.
Vikings - Wovels of Midgard.

Unless something else new turns up that's me done.
The Witcher 3 GOATEE
Transport Fever - Not really part of the sale, but whatever; still got 25% off :)

Victor Vran

I doubt I'll be buying anything else unless some miraculous deal pops up.
Post edited November 04, 2016 by mistermumbles
Tiny_wirefly: Hi there, Just wondering their giving away Victor Vran but i own that game, can i gift that to a friend

If you already own the game, then I believe it will be converted to a gift code. You can then send the code to your friend.
...I'm too ashamed to say. All I'll admit to, is that my PayPal account's balance is less than half a dollar, my collection increased by 22 games today, and I get paid again tomorrow.
SRHK:EE only but will be getting later PoE:WM1&2 as i have the base game already.
Day 1:

Cognition: Game of the Year Edition

Battlevoid: Harbinger

Ultimate General: Gettysburg
Fairfox: Yaaah... so Imma currently buying a Galaxy S7 Edge; I guess salez are out! Boo :/

Still, one of teh games I wanted is being offered for free by GOGie, sooo... win?
just wondering. Benchmark wise this one scores 4.000 points higher than Samsung S7 Edge and it's also considerably cheaper (Right now OnePlus 3 is at 361 euro while SS7E at 569). You have any reason going for a Samsung other than it's a few millimeters smaller?

My haul :

Risen 3 : Titan Lords Complete Edition
Knight Of Pen And Paper +1 Deluxier Edition
Expeditions : Conquistador
I bought Divinity: Original Sin and used the fair price package to add Munch's Oddysee. That's it, I suppose.
Day 1
A big helping of disappointment.

Day 2
Same as the first.
Deciding between Divinity 2 or trying out Hearts Of Iron. Any thoughts?

Also, any recs for a decent pick up and play RPG? Thanks )