Gydion: Quick update, I took another look at current versions of The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky games. I was able to have working videos with Wine 2.2,
winetricks amstream quartz xvid, and adding an override for
winegstreamer set to disabled. I'll see if I can't do a proper report in the next week or so.
Spy_Gentleman: Updated it.
Gydion: Still needs the time tested with each particular version, thanks. Additionally, the broken link in BloodRayne 2 report.
rampancy: I was about to write a reply to you with screenshots when I realized I'd completely misread that post and thought he was talking about the original Sword of the Stars. :P
Gydion: Forget if I mentioned this before, but it works just fine for me with a NVIDIA GPU. A Staging build with CSMT is a huge win for even mid-game battles even if it does add a bit of chop to the galaxy map.
Working videos in Trails, that has just made my weekend :D I will try it asap. Thankss