natronosaurus: goggites! The time is upon us all, the anniversary of that fateful day on which I sprang forth from my mother's loins.Yes, the 25th day of February was a bloody day in American history, yet shed no unnecessary tears in remembrance, for it is thrust upon all of us to celebrate. Indeed, how many times does a man have his entire cranium engulfed by vagina? Once, twice at the very most. But what celebration is fitting for such a time? All sense and reason dictates a pint or four at the local pub would suffice, but barring unlikely coincidence, the lesser offering of _Banished_ would indeed a merry man make me.
Cheers to you all, and let the celebrations commence!
You good sir, I like this!
Good tidings to you on your name day!
Furthermore, may you be offered a good Banishing!