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nickthestain: I should confess that maybe this whole sales frenzy and lack of money could have played a role in pushing me here :D
That's what got me here last December, the Duke3D freebie, and that's fine, but if you give the impression (deliberately or not) that the freebie is the only reason you are here then that might irk some people. I don't think for a second your intentions are anything but friendly unfortunately that can be a little tough to pick up from just a computer monitor.
nickthestain: I should confess that maybe this whole sales frenzy and lack of money could have played a role in pushing me here :D
tinyE: That's what got me here last December, the Duke3D freebie, and that's fine, but if you give the impression (deliberately or not) that the freebie is the only reason you are here then that might irk some people. I don't think for a second your intentions are anything but friendly unfortunately that can be a little tough to pick up from just a computer monitor.
Yeah, I get that, I've never been so good in giving the right impression with the keyboard!

Edit: by the way, a lot of threads in the general section are about giveaways!
Post edited December 19, 2013 by nickthestain
Welp Divinity II price really kicked my balls (see my bitching about life post regarding the sale). If anyone managed to pick it up for half price, I'll paypal ya!
nickthestain: Edit: by the way, a lot of threads in the general section are about giveaways!
The GOG community is like a neighborly pub. People come here, we chat about almost everything, and we do occasionally buy the rest of the crowd a pint or two. When new people arrive though, we like to take their measure first, before deciding if we want to buy them a beer as well. So, mingle in with the locals, participate in the discussions, and you should be able to fit in.
nickthestain: Edit: by the way, a lot of threads in the general section are about giveaways!
JMich: The GOG community is like a neighborly pub. People come here, we chat about almost everything, and we do occasionally buy the rest of the crowd a pint or two. When new people arrive though, we like to take their measure first, before deciding if we want to buy them a beer as well. So, mingle in with the locals, participate in the discussions, and you should be able to fit in.
Well said, and just like the local pub we have some really obnoxious assholes around here who are constantly making really bad jokes *cough*, people that cheat at Darts, and of course the resident (every pub has one) lunatic who wants you to buy Sacrifice.
tinyE: Well said, and just like the local pub we have some really obnoxious assholes around here who are constantly making really bad jokes *cough*, people that cheat at Darts, and of course the resident (every pub has one) lunatic who wants you to buy Sacrifice.
Don't forget the pub's pet animal. Come 'ere boy.
tinyE: Well said, and just like the local pub we have some really obnoxious assholes around here who are constantly making really bad jokes *cough*, people that cheat at Darts, and of course the resident (every pub has one) lunatic who wants you to buy Sacrifice.
JMich: Don't forget the pub's pet animal. Come 'ere boy.
I'm the obnoxious asshole, Sachys is the animal.
JMich: Don't forget the pub's pet animal. Come 'ere boy.
tinyE: I'm the obnoxious asshole, Sachys is the animal.
At least the roles are well defined, this is reassuring.
tinyE: I'm the obnoxious asshole, Sachys is the animal.
nickthestain: At least the roles are well defined, this is reassuring.
And if you wake up tomorrow without your wallet or pants, it’s a good bet you accidentally sat at my table….
nickthestain: At least the roles are well defined, this is reassuring.
Rodzaju: And if you wake up tomorrow without your wallet or pants, it’s a good bet you accidentally sat at my table….
Whoa, for what exactly do you need his pants?! Or perhaps I don't want to know...

Let me clarify one more thing, since you are from UK. Do you mean British or US meaning of word "pants"? If the former then I definitely don't want to know the answer to my first question ;D
IF anyone has the following games, then please do send :). I missed the D&D 80% deal. If you wan't i an trade steam gifts/or any other daily deals.

Neverwinter Nights: Diamond Edition
Neverwinter Nights 2: Complete
Temple of Elemental Evil, The
Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard
Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone
Rodzaju: And if you wake up tomorrow without your wallet or pants, it’s a good bet you accidentally sat at my table….
Ghorpm: Whoa, for what exactly do you need his pants?! Or perhaps I don't want to know...

Let me clarify one more thing, since you are from UK. Do you mean British or US meaning of word "pants"? If the former then I definitely don't want to know the answer to my first question ;D
*whistles innocently & checkes that the way to the back door is clear*….
Oh, not the bloody pantaloons again! I swear that this happens every time: someone gets drunk and starts raving of how he will gather the Golden Pantaloons, the Silver Pantaloons, and the Bronze Pantalettes and how he will forge a mighty armor and some nasty weapons from them... Really, guys! That's just a story! Stop daydreaming and face the reality: ease up with the drinks!!!!
nickthestain: At least the roles are well defined, this is reassuring.
Rodzaju: And if you wake up tomorrow without your wallet or pants, it’s a good bet you accidentally sat at my table….
I like the fact that there's a chance that you would choose the pants over the wallet.
Post edited December 19, 2013 by nickthestain
JMich: The GOG community is like a neighborly pub. People come here, we chat about almost everything, and we do occasionally buy the rest of the crowd a pint or two. When new people arrive though, we like to take their measure first, before deciding if we want to buy them a beer as well. So, mingle in with the locals, participate in the discussions, and you should be able to fit in.
tinyE: Well said, and just like the local pub we have some really obnoxious assholes around here who are constantly making really bad jokes *cough*, people that cheat at Darts, and of course the resident (every pub has one) lunatic who wants you to buy Sacrifice.
And there's always a know it all that bores for England about politics or philosophy, he speaks foreign languages because he thinks it's amusing...

...Una Mas Cervaza, barman