rawmilk905: Hmm, I'm pretty disappointed in the selection for this promo. Indy games don't normally impress me much and point and clicks (based on experiences with Tales of Monkey Island) bore me to anger. I do like Torchlight, but the rest look pretty dubious. I am considering Mutant Mudds and I would consider gifting others if I could break them up selectively from the promo, but I'm not sure I can do that. If I got a gift order, I couldn't selectively redeem certain games myself, could I? I'd end up having to take the games I didn't want unless I already had them, right?
The only other possibility that I can think of is, if you want game 1 and 2 out of game 1-5, gift the whole pack to someone who already has game 1 and 2. They'll redeem the rest, and then you can redeem the games you want.
If for some reason you should go down that road, make sure you gift it to someone you trust, as it would be somewhat risky.