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Both of them gifted me a copy of One Unit Whole Blood. That's too much blood even for a gore fan like me so we're going to make a blood themed quiz with the One Unit Whole Blood as a prize.
Post edited July 14, 2012 by Arthandas
QC: Not expecting anything from this I guess but,

My wishlist at the moment:

To The Moon
Gemini Rue
Rayman 1
Rue the day lol :)
QC: Not expecting anything from this I guess but,

My wishlist at the moment:

To The Moon
Gemini Rue
Rayman 1
i666an: Rue the day lol :)
Sweetness! Thanks Ian. I've got some extra games on me if you'd like them. I figured the classified was going to do better than trying in this thread but... -shrug-
i666an: Rue the day lol :)
QC: Sweetness! Thanks Ian. I've got some extra games on me if you'd like them. I figured the classified was going to do better than trying in this thread but... -shrug-
It's ok but thank you very much - use them to trade or somat - your welcome, enjoy :)
QC: Sweetness! Thanks Ian. I've got some extra games on me if you'd like them. I figured the classified was going to do better than trying in this thread but... -shrug-
i666an: It's ok but thank you very much - use them to trade or somat - your welcome, enjoy :)
Alright, if you're sure then. Thank you again.
Oh jeez XD Damn Ys Origin being up on a flash sale while im waiting for cash to come in. Darn XD

-Postal 2
-Unreal: Gold
-Unreal Tournament GOTY Edition

And remember what happens to people who do good deeds:
Post edited July 14, 2012 by Licurg
Post edited July 16, 2012 by Barry_Woodward
I am in no way short of games, but if anyone really wants to, I would appreciate any of the following:

Heritage of Kings: The Settlers (currently on promo $4.99)
Fragile Allegiance
Jagged Alliance
Blitzkrieg Anthology
Stronghold Crusader

Thank you for thinking about it....
Post edited July 15, 2012 by Rodzaju
wanting to do a big screenshot guessing quiz (on any console, on any genre so as everyone has a chance to join)

looking for people willing to donate a game (can be anything, preferable gog though)
even a promo game. anything is welcome so more people can win a prize.
high rated
lugum: wanting to do a big screenshot guessing quiz (on any console, on any genre so as everyone has a chance to join)

looking for people willing to donate a game (can be anything, preferable gog though)
even a promo game. anything is welcome so more people can win a prize.
I'd participate as a donor. GoG only. Please PM me for details.
Thx toksj8ak2 for Riddick. Really really enjoying it.
My current wish is for two games from this weekend sale:

Battle Isle Platinum
Chessmaster 9000

Thanks :)
I'd like Battle Isle Platinum, if you please.
Thanks you in advance o/
Thank you very much ksj8ak2 for Geneforge.