Detlik: Dear reader,
YES YOU. I am talking to YOU. Now listen here.
*Catchy music starts playing*
I am giving you once in a lifetime opportunity. So amazing, that you will be...amazed. What is it you ask? Well I am not sure if I should told you, since well...its kinda secret. But you seem like trust worthy type, so I will let you in on this situation. You have a chance, to gift me amazing game Tiny and Big - Grandpa Leftovers. Why should you do it you ask? Well because if you will do it, I will explode into big rainbow of sunshine and happiness. And you will have good feelings about...being good...yeah...I know I suck.
All I wish for is Tiny and Big.
P.S: There is no P.S:
Will somebody please gift him that stupid game already? This post makes me so sad:(