Posted February 19, 2022
low rated
And thanks for the kind words :)
HumanHand123: You're a great dude man, just one question though. What happened to all your reputation? Beyond what I said to RetroJaro in post 20977: some of the same ones low rating the thread also dislike opinions/etc I have expressed in the past, so they use scripts/bots on all my posts(and those of anyone else they dislike).
HumanHand123: Was looking at this page hoping to donate but saw GamezRanker already donated all the games requested. If yer still feeling generous: RetroJaro (post 20975) still wants Crystal Caves HD and/or Secret Agent HD. Also, there's likely others with unfulfilled wishes in the thread(listed either in the OP post and/or several pages back).
Just wanted to say, this is very kind of you....+1

Just wanted to say, this is very kind of you....+1
Post edited February 19, 2022 by GamezRanker