Posted May 31, 2020

And it definitely suffers from open-world-itis: the vast majority of the gameplay consists of fighting the same few copy & pasted enemies within the same few copy & pasted buildings (although the map 'pretends' they are all different building) over & over again endlessly.
And the protagonist who you play as has no personality whatsoever and IIRC he doesn't even talk, so he feels like a generic robot and not an actual person.
Games like Mafia 1 are vastly superior because they don't have any of those problems.

The GOdfather is one of my favorite movies, and I really looked forward to the game, and was dissapointed when it came out.
I would have preferred a out and out strategy game on the topic.
I don't get why people call the game Excellent. It's just OK. I guess it;s love of the source material. i love the source material too but don't fall in love with anything wiht themagic words Godfather on it.
"Mafia" was a much better game. Yeah, it;s a GTA clone, but IMHO much better exeuted then "The Godfather".

While I liked the games for Scarface: TWIY, Godfather 1, and Godfather 2 - eh, there's a lot of the Mafia 3 problems in those ones: do the same open-world Ubi-Soft cut & paste racketeering, destroying, killing, collect-a-thons, and/or whatnot side-missions everywhere.
GTA's really didn't have these problems that the above-mentioned games did - as often there were interesting main missions, main stories, and tons of side stuff in the GTA's.
Mafia 1 and 2 were great though - namely b/c their main campaign modes were campaign-focused, story-focused, and character-focused; and very linear for the most part.
Free Ride modes for Mafia 1+2 - eh, they didn't do much for me.