Remember posting a thread asking for suggestions on the MobyGames forums back in... *searches* April 2013. Was saying this (edits made now in italics, because otherwise it still applies really well, so works to largely just c/p):
Main trait desired:
- Escapism. This obviously starts with a believable world to explore and be pulled into (preferably large and open, but can make allowances for less if extremely well done). Good story and characters are a huge bonus.
Main trait to avoid:
- Frustration. This starts from a high difficulty, or perhaps even a moderate one when it comes to things that require speed and/or reflexes; not up for a challenge (possible exception, high tactical difficulty for turn-based games, or maybe even real time with pause ones, with all characters/units fully controllable by player and no issues with saving and loading anywhere, may work, even be enjoyable if it plays on my strengths of careful planning and patience). Then continues with permanent choices that can be proven to be clearly wrong much later, when it's neither an issue of seeing immediate results and being able to reload without losing anything else nor one of being able to at least make up for a bad earlier choice when you realize it's wrong in a way that'll negate any further consequences. Then, of course, nasty bugs, required grinding, pixel hunting, uncontrollable companions, generalized respawns (can be fine and even nice if limited to a few particular areas), required reliance on consummable items, too limited inventory... The list could go on, but likely with reduced relevance, though I'm sure I forgot something important...
Preferred genres (in order of preference):
1. Single character RPG. (By far.)
2. TBS with RPG elements. (Of a certain kind; liked HoMM4, really liked King's Bounty: The Legend, didn't like HoMM3 for example. Age of Wonders games were also nice enough.)
3. Party-based RPG where all characters are controlled by player. (Most preferably real time with pause.)
Non-military strategy/managerial games (or those where military doesn't have a major role) may also work. Maybe 4X too, it should if I think about it, but a long time since I last played one and keep edging away from trying another.
Genres to avoid (not counting those I don't see as possibly matching the escapism thing):
- Shooter of any kind you can think of.
- Pure adventure.
- RTS that favors offense / speed / expansionism. (Tactical RTSs focusing on actual troop management that can be won with largely defensive tactics can be ok, though not preferred and I'd need a really good reason to want to try, mainly story and atmosphere. Being more removed from individual troops also helps a lot. Enjoyed Homeworld 2 for example.)
- Platformer.
And likely a fair few others I'm dismissing so completely I'm not even thinking of.
Preferred themes / timelines (in order of preference):
1. Epic fantasy. Typical, dark, religion-inspired, more creative than that, whatever, but great scope, magic's very important, technology is medieval-ish, fantastic creatures, etc. (Again, by far preferred.)
2. Low-fantasy medieval / ancient. (Realistic medieval / ancient may work too, but definitely not preferred.)
3. Distant future, featuring either actual magic or magic-like technology and not requiring a reliance on firearms.
Themes / timelines to avoid:
- Modern, or anything thereabouts.
- Postapocalyptic.
- Anything requiring or at least favoring the use of firearms.
- Horror.
- Cyberpunk and related. (Dystopian can go here too, or if not here then under PA, so usually included either way.)
As for Warhammer games, never played any. And for any RTSs, wouldn't be interested either.
Post edited September 05, 2018 by Cavalary