Vainamoinen: The last patch to Overwatch dates March 22nd. Did they really already switch the pose?
I'm happy for you that you don't employ the seemingly universal strawman that this "
one particular retard" was somehow enraged, spoke of “sexism” and of being “offended”. Because, yes of course, you've described his line of reasoning correctly, Tracer having visual traits of a sex symbol, which in fact doesn't fit her character. Plenty of 'sexy' characters remain in the game, like Widowmaker, no protest about that. Or would you say that absolutely every female character in the game needs to be flaunting her sexuality around?
As to the rest of your quite hateful evaluation, please do point me to the part in "t
he retard's" post where he says that
(a) his daughter is "pre-teen" and
(b) he lets her play Overwatch.
Thank you!
So you really do think that the developers reacted to a single respectful post in their forum, albeit from a
"retard", with immediate universal self-censorship? I guess you're neither aware of how the developer has responded to that post, nor are you aware of the removal of a wank material gag from the beta when that last patch hit two weeks ago, signalling the developers' ample
internal struggle about these design decisions way before the
"retard's" forum post?
Here's an article about what factually is in the expansion, including knowledgeable insight into the Forgotten Realms setting and its prior usage of transgender characters.
It's extremely difficult to ascertain how grave the bug situation really is, because user reviews are swarmed with political extremists with a firm belief in their nazist enemy concept. If we take out the user reviews explicitly naming said concept, we're still left with a lot that only name a trans character with 30 seconds screen time and, of course, a whole lot that signal "bad writing" without going into detail about any of that (i.e. possibly lacking the skill for a critique, though of course GOG still prevents reviews of any sensible length).
At the very least, GOG should have forbid reviews from non-owners of the expansion for a month. Because THIS is just pitiful.

Reaper9988: Ahh well I didn't really follow the Siege of Dragonspear stuff, but is Mizhena an actual transgender, or just a guy that drank a potion to become a female '?(Or vice versa)
The second makes sense the first doesn't. Why would you actually try to Transfer to the sex you want to be, never really getting there, while you could just get some spell on you and become a fully functional being of the other sex ?
(Unless there is some economic xxplanation.)
If it is the second why in the world would you tell anyone about it ? For all accounts you are female at this point.
I can't remember Edwin in BG, but Elmister sex changed because it was required by Mystra as far as I remember.
He never was transsexual he was just a female with the mind of Elminster at that Point.
This and this amber chicks interview really make me want to stay away from the game as it reeks of agenda.
More importantly though, the chick said beamdog didn't like the writing of the first bg, anyone know if they did change anything in the dialogues ?
I bought the ed Editions but if they changed the scripts it might be time to look for a refund, after all the old editions work fine.
They legally can't change most of the old dialogue I think. But in the expansion there are some instances, but you'll have to ask someone who's played it through. AFAIK they aren't too frequent. Ask on the game forum here or on Steam, or ask a friend to watch a few lets plays for you and sample how frequently it happens from that friend.