Doc0075: 70. Gede - Random John Doe - Space Haven
Random John Doe wakes up. Clearly that weird battle was only a dream, right? That crazy hyper-active guy with the bow and all the other weird fighters, it was made up! Random takes his right hand to his eye and rubs it gently, as if to make sure.
As he tries to get to get up his head bangs against some glass. Confused, as his eyes get accustom to the light pouring from straight above, he sees a pulsing red button labelled "open", by his side. When depressed with some insistence -- no other possibility was apparent --, some sort of canopy above him slowly raises with a pneumatic
woosh sound, revealing some sort of high-tech room around him. No other person is seen, but on the wall across him there is a window, and across it is a blue mass with white dots moving around it. It seems to be shrinking and there are some brown in it with some large dark patch on one of the sides and... it seems to be actually round with black all around it.
Panic suddenly took over him as he finally recognizes his home planet.
"How on Earth did I get into this?" Many thanks, Doc0075 and to all other participants who made this great even even greater.