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it works ! and its anonymous, check if you like,

"Which is your favourite Hero "survey ?
... +1 everyone ^

and live results
Post edited January 03, 2021 by user deleted
Seb369: it works ! and its anonymous, check if you like,

"Which is your favourite Hero "survey ?
... +1 everyone ^

and live results
That's awesome. My vote went to Axela the lighthouse, lol, it's such a weird character, it was my favorite from the begining. :)
I've been adding the fights of Round 3 to the spreadsheet, but I'm not entirely happy with how they are formatted.

Anyone care to brainstorm with me on how to document them? For now, it just serves as a way to view at a glance of who's eliminated.
I´m not good in calculating probability, but wouldn´t it be fairer if the last four winners were the ones with the most wins? Just asking, I have no idea.
The Fight Club page has been updated with all the Round 3 fights so far. :)

EDIT: Added round 3 results to existing character profiles. There are still 34 profiles missing, which I hope to add in the next few days. Details on the profiles for Round 3 include entry number and on which stage they entered the ring (I'm dividing the fight on stages for easier reading), and in the case they have already lost: who defeated them, on which stage, and how many dice rolls they made total during the Royal Rumble.

EDIT 2: also fixed <censored>'s number on the fight; when he entered the ring he was called (4), but his number is (110)

Round 3 has been awesome, I couldn't stop laughing all the way through the fights! So happy to see Jack the Knack doing so well, I hope he can stay all the way up to the final 4. :)
Post edited January 03, 2021 by krugos2
Jack the Knack is The Beast Incarnate:D:D
Doc0075: So I need some feedback on how to select the winners of the four special prizes. It was originally going to be the the last four contestants but with the Royal Rumble event, that is not fair as the last people to enter will have a much greater chance of winning.
How about splitting the criteria for the top four? Continue the battle until only one is left standing, and that will be one winner, even if it may well be the last one entering the arena, then pick the remaining three according to how many fights they won and how many rounds they lasted. Say, pick the 2 with most opponents defeated and 1 with most rounds lasted that's not among the two, or vice-versa, and/or use the other criterion as tiebreaker for those with equal numbers. And if tie remains and some of those who returned after a round 1 defeat are involved, possibly remove them since they already had a second chance (feel I can say that since Calad was among those who returned).
Or you could just go randomly, of course, or a mix of these ideas. It's your giveaway and your game after all, and the prizes are mind-bogglingly awesome either way, and the descriptions are neat too.
Top 4 is still the best (and easiest!) way - Doc's already putting in a ton of effort. The top four winners have already been picked randomly - sure it plays out as more involved than that but the process of rolling into the arena, winning / losing fights etc is already just as random as picking randomly. It only "seems" like some have a better shot than others because they're being weeded out earlier.

Any one player could have been any other at any time LOL - it just randomly worked out that they weren't :) No need to make it needlessly complicated.
Ixamyakxim: No need to make it needlessly complicated.
*shrug* Just giving my 2 cents, since Doc asked. And constantly working on systems that tend to be far more complex than others care for tends to be my mind's natural state. Or one of them, at least :))
Ixamyakxim: No need to make it needlessly complicated.
Cavalary: And constantly working on systems that tend to be far more complex than others care for tends to be my mind's natural state.
LOL thanks for this ;) I got a kick out of the phrase.
Oh well. At least Stamat wasn't cooked into a squirrel stew.
high rated
I have made a final decision on how the four main prizes will be dished out.
First and second prizes will go to the final two combatants in the Royal Rumble.
Third prize will go to the one who wins the most fights in Round 3, so Jack the Knack is in pole position on that one.
Fourth Prize will go to one combatant in Round 3 selected by
Post edited January 03, 2021 by Doc0075
Doc0075: I have made a final decision on how the four main prizes will be dished out.
First and second prizes will go to the final two combatants in the Royal Rumble.
Third prize will go to the one who wins the most fights in Round 3, so Jack the Knack is in pole position on that one.
Fourth Prize will go to one combatant in Round 3 selected by
Sounds great. :)
Tonight, something terrible happened.

There have been some terrible events that have led me to move forward and take action.
Today, in an unprecedented course of action, Jack the Knack *supposedly* beat me in the Royal Rumble. This is so unbelievable that it is almost ridiculous to mention. There is no way I could have lost to a mere kangaroo !
There have been rumors about irregularities, fraud, and lots of shenanigans going on during this contest. Obviously, there have been certifications of the results which should not have been.
This is why, I'm ordering a full recount of the dice results in order to save our beloved giveaway. There are so many proofs of irregularities that already, my team of attorneys is filing a lawsuit which - hopefully - will invalidate the results, and announce the true winner of the fight : me.

I won by A LOT.

I've been censored by morons, lots of them. Nobody has been as censored as me. And these people - very very bad people - are after me, because they are after your freedom, and I'm the only one who stands between you and them. I could have lived a rich and successful life - very successful at that - but I chose to enter the fight and take all of these hits gladly for you, to repay this community of what it has given to me.
Together, we will prevail in protecting our beloved community and we will Make Gog Great Again !

Thank you very much ! Gog bless you !


<censored> moves through the audience and sits down next to Elexis Sinclair.
"Hey there, are you free for dinner, tonight ?"
Post edited January 03, 2021 by Pouyou-pouyou
high rated
Round 3 continued...

The legend that is (64) Hazaradam strides confidently towards the ring, not worried by some oversized, boxing mouse.

Jack the Knack rolls 8
Hazaradam rolls 7

Jack takes a sneaky Aussie swing at Hazaradam as she climbs through the ropes but his punch passes right through her as she slips into ghost form at that time. She returns to her physical self but is caught by a back kick from the mighty Roo that sends her flying to the other side of the ring.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The slip-slapping of many tentacled legs heralds the arrival of the cat/octopus/chameleon hybrid (72) Katmeleonpus.

Hazaradam attacks Katmeleonpus
Jack the Knack attacks Katmeleonpus
Katmeleonpus attacks Hazaradam

Hazaradam rolls 4
Katmeleonpus rolls 8

Katmeleonpus clambers into the ring and gobs an inky-furball right on the middle of the canvas. Both Jack and Hazaradam look at the creature with disgust.
Hazaradam chases after it with spear in hand, Katmeleonpus slips out of the ring with a hissing-mewing sound, heading towards the front row seats.

The legendary ghost/rogue smiles, thinking the creature trapped. Katmeleonpus uses her camouflage ability to disappear out of sight. Growling in frustration, Hazaradam stabs her spear forward to where she last saw the creature - and right into Fish's shoulder.
The mighty Orc roars in protest and with a backhanded swing of his Great Axe lops the surprised Hazaradam's head clean of her shoulders.

Hazaradam reappears seated over the other side of the ring, giving Fish evil looks.

Jack the Knack rolls 11
Katmeleonpus rolls 8

Katmeleonpus comes back into sight just to the left of where the Orc is swearing about his stabbed shoulder. She hears a voice from behind - "You're a funny looking Sheila, ain't ya?" Jack grabs her by the neck and drags her back into the ring.
He leads her to the inky-furball and forcees her to lick it up.
"That's it, clear all that mess up. I'm trying to work here!" When he is satisfied he punches her so hard, little birdies are flying around her head.

Katmeleonpus regains consciousness in the arenas seating and notices lots of other (if less exotic) cats are there with her.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

(59) Henry the IT man nervously walks towards the ring with the imposing Kangaroo in it muttering under his breath about what he is doing here.