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The thrilling survival horror dylogy devised by the legendary creator Shinji Mikami arrives DRM-free on GOG.COM. The Evil Within and The Evil Within 2 are both available with 75% discounts until 23rd April, 1 PM UTC.

Scares do not end there! Also, until 23rd April, 1 PM UTC, you can buy discounted DLCs for the first part of this cult horror series, as well as the special bundle which contains The Evil Within game and all its DLCs. On top of that, be sure to read our editorial about Shinji Mikami and his journey into the horror genre.
Post edited April 16, 2020 by emter_pl
TheMonkofDestiny: They're both written by different people though and it shows - not in a "these people forgot x detail" sense but in how they approach their central plots in each game. I think the guy who wrote the screenplay for Deadgirl (aka the surreal "imprison a zombie woman to use as a sex slave" film) worked on the sequel.
When writers do that it always makes me think of this Calvin and Hobbes strip.
hey people just a stupid question.
At TEW 2 that is
The Last Chance Pack included?
that was such a pre-order bonus
darthspudius: I could, but then you could just google it if you want to know more. Better yet, you could just ask nicely and we could have a conversation about it.
I DID ask nicely. I actually wasn't rude. Your description lacked a lot and could fit few different things. Just because some issue is more common than some other very rare ones does not mean the other ones don't exist. So I ASKED. And you instead of saying which one you mean just went all sassy about that I asked :S
And why did you quote ALL THAT? Even stuff COMPLETELY UNRELATED? Did you just TRY to publicly shame me for asking for more details????? (by trying to drag notifications to other people from those unrelated quoted posts)

B1tF1ghter: It is kinda weird tho... You know, it used to be preorder / day 1 edition exclusive and still is on steam...
TheMonkofDestiny: Not uncommon. Exclusive content that you can't get on Steam releases anymore has popped up in the "fresh" GOG releases previously. That TF2 weapon skin DLC for Saints Row IV comes to immediate mind.
Perhaps not uncommon but it still IS weird. Think about it. On steam you could only get it either from preorder or from day 1 editions. And here it is for like EVERYBODY. As a person kind of in gamedev I have really mixed feelings about this. I don't know, it really feels off, personally I would do that differently but it's not my decision, but it still feels off.

B1tF1ghter: Please confirm once you reach it.
It is kinda weird tho... You know, it used to be preorder / day 1 edition exclusive and still is on steam...
SCPM: Yes, on chapter 3 I now have a double barrel shotgun, a poison bolt, an incendiary bolt, a medikit, and 5000 gel added to my inventory.
That's great to know! ;) Thank you for confirming! ;)
Now if only somebody could check in the second one...

Tobi07: hey people just a stupid question.
At TEW 2 that is
The Last Chance Pack included?
that was such a pre-order bonus
Your spelling is "kind of" off but still this is not a stupid question.
Somebody needs to check as the first one has this kind of dlc while it is not stated on gog store page so perhaps such dlc is present for second one too. One would hope at least that it would be in second one too...
Post edited April 17, 2020 by B1tF1ghter
sorry, i quickly translated it via google translator.
what, in the first part there was also a pre-order packet? I did not know that.
Tobi07: sorry, i quickly translated it via google translator.
No problem. Although I would advise against using google translate at this point for really anything apart from like single words and such.
There has been a really noticable decline in translation quality on google services. Now if you translate something for example really long it usually sounds like gibberish.

Tobi07: what, in the first part there was also a pre-order packet? I did not know that.
There was. And it IS included on gog for EVERYONE.
It gives you following things.
B1tF1ghter: Please confirm once you reach it.
It is kinda weird tho... You know, it used to be preorder / day 1 edition exclusive and still is on steam...
SCPM: Yes, on chapter 3 I now have a double barrel shotgun, a poison bolt, an incendiary bolt, a medikit, and 5000 gel added to my inventory.
Hope that helps and now you know what it gives to you (it could possibly throw game balance off slightly).
B1tF1ghter: Perhaps not uncommon but it still IS weird.
Not saying it isn't weird - especially in scenarios like Saints Row IV where the developers answered questions from users who didn't buy in on day 1 about whether they'd make the DLC available for everyone even if they had to charge for it. The answer was a solid no, which makes it more puzzling that it's then okay to just toss it in on the GOG release but tell the Steam/etc. side to essentially fart off in hopes of getting it (outside of mods and/or hackery).
tfishell: I too would like to see Skyrim here for folks but I'm not sure Bethesda will agree to bring it unless GOG can integrate the Creation Club in somehow.
DreamedArtist: It's a dated game now unless they want to bring it here after the new scrolls game comes out. they can bring the complete version of the game they had on steam here.
If the Creation Club is still making them decent money (if it ever was), Bethesda may not want to bring games that use it unless GOG can integrate it.

Anyway, there's TONS of free mods for Skyrim (especially) and FO4 right? Maybe GOG wants to first build something like a DRM-free Steam Workshop for Galaxy 2 before releasing those. (I know some users hate that idea, but if GOG thinks it will help their business I wouldn't blame them for pursuing it.)
TheMonkofDestiny: 2 is better than 1. I think I said this previously in a thread here, possibly one talking about how unlikely these games were to ever appear on GOG (crow tastes delicious!), but the first game suffers from nostalgia creep. Or some term similar to it. It plays out like games previously made by the man who fronted its development, but less enjoyable than those games. Every time I experienced a "this feels like Resident Evil, only... less fun" moment, for example, helped drive home that I did not like the first game.

The second doesn't, to me at least, suffer from that issue. It's as if a few hardcore horror lore nerds got locked up in a room and decided they were going to cram in references to everything ooky spooky under the sun into the game. The result feels much more like a game that stands on its own feet, which may seem counter to it referencing so much stuff like the obnoxious internet nerds who leave comments on YouTube videos like "Hey! I get that and where it's from! Few people will!!1", but it really does play out as a better experience and not some mash of Mikami's greatest hits that turned out to be a bit overhyped (ugh, I still remember the television ads) and kind of mediocre.
I believe that your description of 1 feels like most "nostalgia titles" in previous decade. In my case, I felt this way about Pillars of Eternity for example.

Meanwhile, your description of 2 sounds like many games made in 90's: like Doom, Build Engine shooters, Fallout or Silent Hill - games made by nerds who made game from references of everything they read/watched/played. And they were fucking awesome for it!
Mafwek: snip
That's a fair assessment. All in all I would say my general takeaway on the first game might have been better if it had been less an attempt to recreate Mikami's successes and more an effort to make the game something that stands on its own merit. People enjoyed it either way, but I just wonder what it would have been if done differently.

I definitely don't miss those television ads that ran for it though. A bunch of people sitting in darkened rooms in front of a screen and overreacting to the "scares". I guess I have YouTube and let's players to thank for seeding that idea into the marketing department's brainstorming meetings to sell copies of the game.
Good to see these on here.
low rated
It's a pity there is no GOG Connect.
Mist17: It's a pity there is no GOG Connect.
Yeah, because Bethesda titles are known for popping up on Connect all the time.

Connect is already a luxury, big name publishers aren't going to miss chances to reach into consumer pockets again.
Wow nice, unexpected.

I remember the press campaign for the first game and thought it looked pretty interesting. Seems like the second might be the better game overall though.

This isn't usually my kind of genre but I do "dabble" from time to time. And this looks like it's worth being one of the ones I check out. Plus nothing wrong with supporting soon-ish releases of Bethesda games, and of AAA caliber PLUS a nice release discount to boot!

Thanks GoG and Beth!

Soon as I grab my wallet out of the car I think I'll get this (Evil Within 2). And there's a sweet sale on Galaxy of Pen and Paper - had my eye on that one for a while (core gameplay of those games looks different and fun, plus I LOVED Halcyon 6 - hoping this recaptures some of that vibe).
Ixamyakxim: I remember the press campaign for the first game and thought it looked pretty interesting. Seems like the second might be the better game overall though.
I'm about 11 hours into the first game on my first ever play-through, and it's a very solid game. Still reminds me an awful lot of RE 4 in parts in the way it plays. That's not at all a bad thing though. ;)
I was not sure if these games are really for me - especially since I am quite bad with stealth, so I decided to play the free demo (which unfortunately is only on Steam right now). Right from the beginning the game and the way it tells the story dragged me in - it's oozing atmosphere and it is violent as hell. Had some troubles beating the big bad at the end of chaper 3 but after some tries I managed as well ... unfortunately that's also the end of the demo so I just bought both games and all DLCs because I am sure the games are worth it. :)