ScotchMonkey: Even during my quitting phase I managed more than that.
Quitting phase sounds like something I did once.
I was overseas, giving it hell, and had a couple months until I returned stateside. Heard my father, in a dream, or a stupor, say "you never know the brakes don't work until you try to put them on." Great guy, but it made me think a bit, and screwed up my little party a bit.
Knocked it off, was bored as hell, went to the gym, played dj, all kinds of things (no women were where I was, so not a choice.)
2 months of that, was lucky as no problems, and continued life.
No moral to the story except that some are lucky, some are not, just like in everything.
Maybe I'm not, as I'm having a few now, went to re-read, and saw "quilting phase" instead of quitting phase. If I start quilting, I'll damned sure quit.