Honestly though, with proper management (ventilation, flooding the room with sunlight and practicing new hygene standards) you could actually get to work even tommorow. I mean this entire crisis should be great for Americans, because they need new workers that do regulate this. The market can be huge for this, with millions of workers taking care of "a clean business".
Here comes my recommendation, according to the gathered data.
These new hygene practices must be include and must never be broken:
- Physical/Smart distancing practices as with standing 6 feet away from each other.
- If the rule MUST be broken, enforce "mouth and nose face masks" and/or "Ebola masks faceshields".
- Washing your hands once every hour.
- Not sharing equipment such as pencils. Everyone must have their own equipments.
- Don't be too close to people for a period that is longer than 10 minutes.
- Downtime should be spend outside.
More advanced forms of these practices that require technicalities and some money include daily or at least weekly random PCR-testing. The more you test office spaces, the better mitigating the general infection risk becomes. Do that in schools as well and you can open them up again.
There also is a psychological effect in regular testing within a company as being tested regularly makes people feel safer and less stressed in times like these. It indicates that people are not "alone" and that others care about them. Remember that this deadly virus crisis is put
on top of the "regular" working stress and that affects people very negatively. With this in mind, regular PRC testing makes workers think that their lifes aren't at stake anymore every time they come to work or go to school. I also think its a essential measure, albeit more complicated then the rest.
With any of these measurements in place, enjoy your 0.3% IFR at worst and very slow spread.
And at the worst. If people get ill and must get hospitalised, remember to use HFNCs and other NIV measurements. This virus does not cause regular ARDS even if doctors tell you this right now. There is large amounts of data already gathering within PP-databases that indicate that the lungs are still fully functional even if the infection is severe and the lungs are already damaged. This also means that death actually happens by overstraining your metabolism/damage to other body systems and not through your lungs alone. So using strong anticoagulants, sleeping on your breasts and stomach while sick and
not your side and back while using proper ventilation methods that are non-invasive, preferably through your nose does help a whole lot to save your body from being permanently damaged. And since Remdesivir works, you can use it on the more severe patients. There you go, death and even some of the permanent damage (it should be around Influenza levels or slightly higher, which is still bad) will not happen as badly and IFR will go down to about 0.18% or maybe even less. The less your lungs get overstrained through agressive ventilation, the better.
This with the proper ventilation and UV sunlight "disinfection" together works wonders because what matters is making the virus not active even through aerosol spread (that happens while you're breathing). If a office has no windows then the business should move to a place where such things exist. Because mitigating the risk of spread is complicated, hireing one person that takes care of things should be a priority when it comes to working in office spaces. If you work in a larger business you can easily hire more "health specialists" to handle these things. People decided that this virus stays for good, so its better to partially recreate the market in order to accommodate these new business fields that focus on health and mitigating risks in a major fashion.
You can thank the Italians, Chinese and the Swiss folks for actually approaching this in a mature manner through several papers critically analysing the effects of anticoagulants and how COVID-19 progresses. Italy is gonna be a huge "winner" in this entire crisis I believe as they're handling it amazingly in the couple past weeks.
The largest problem is that those who may become infected by SARS-CoV-2 may never be able to work again. Not getting the virus should be
THE Nr.1 priority for every country. Understanding the virus is key to such an approach. That or a 2 months full lockdown since its possible and proven that countries are able in rotting out the virus entirely, but that also tanks the economy and other countries may be able to spread the virus again unknowingly (by both countries of course as seen with how the UK and US got infected).
A normal life as people ask for will not be happening again but these things make things extremly close to "normal life" IMHO.
COVID-19 is not a "killer illness", but it still hits you on avg about 5 times harder than any other human coronavirus infection and provoking risk of getting infected is not something that you should really want nor need at any case.