DadJoke007: The purpose of the masks is herd protection. If you have covid-19 yourself and don't know it you protect everyone else from you with a mask, not the other way around. But sure, it might help for self-protection as well.
Good points.
As for herd protection, I am hoping once enough asymptomatic people recover(and stay that way) it'll eventually do what a vaccine would albeit with messier results.
(Although a vaccine would be preferable)
DadJoke007: A worrisome thought that popped into my head before. During the extreme heat, there were pyromaniacs who took advantage of that to start fires and put people at risk. Will there be psycho people out there who get sick and decide to spread it around as much as possible? The damage such people could do is scary to think about.
A few got caught(afaik) trying to do that already...but it was only a few people.
Also tbh I worry more about third world nations "less bright" populaces doing such things as some sort of placation to their deity of choice or due to some superstition(like with what some did to try curing aids in some countries).
(Note to all: Not trying to knock/mock anyone in said countries too much, or for bad reasons, with the above line) ========================================
morolf: True, that's their primary purpose, I didn't mean to suggest otherwise. But it does offer some individual protection to the wearer as well (at the very least it keeps you from touching your mouth and nose).
The question I wonder about is: What would people do when their nose itches? o.0
(I am honestly a bit curious about that, btw...many will scratch without thinking)
morolf: There's certainly potential for that, but imo the bigger risk is people who might have only mild symptoms and just don't care about self-quarantine..."why should I forego my fun and change my life, just for the sake of some old people who would die soon anyway...not my problem if others are weak enough to die of the virus".
We had that....some guy in MO was under self-quarantine and went to an event(either music or sporting) anyways, and now everyone there has to get tested and maybe quarantined as well.....some people sadly don't give a damn about others.
morolf: That's silly, masks are for going outside, especially something like public transport (enclosed space, many other people, sometimes in very close proximity), obviously people don't wear them at home.
What if you have some at home who are sick and some who aren't, and the not sick(or sick) cannot go to another location for some reason?
morolf: And anyway, the issue is moot, there aren't masks available for private citizens anyway, the health care system has priority.
I am guessing you mean doctors/nurses/etc by this?
Also even though they SAY they don't have any for private citizens I am willing to BET the rich/powerful will get some anyways. :\