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Asbeau: Hoarding seems like an accurate description. By my reckoning you've taken around 60 games from this thread.
zeogold: I'd appreciate it if we don't have any finger-pointing or witch-hunting going on in here. I watch each request and requester and judge for myself whether they should get anything or not. If you think I'm misjudging something or someone, I'd much prefer you take it up with me in PM.
Sorry pal, but you don't get to tell me what I should post and where I should post it. Regardless of what you'd prefer I'll say what I have to say here, so donators know where their games are going.

You've given over 60 games to one user. You can count the games he's actually installed and started on one hand and the longest he's played any of those for is 20 minutes, yet he keeps coming back to take as much as he can at every available opportunity and you keep on showering him with the keys people have donated. It's obvious that cecil is abusing the community's generosity and although I've tried to remain silent, I couldn't watch it happen any longer without pointing out the magnitude of his greed.

As for you, zeo - you're a bright kid and I like you and consider you an asset to the forum, but I can't work out whether this guy is taking you for a fool or if you just don't give a shit about what happens to the games that are donated to the giveaway. When I suggest you give a game to a good user who creates decent discussions and doesn't ask for anything ( you ignore it and... give cecil more keys.

Now I've said my piece and I hope I won't be participating in this thread again for any reason. I don't think there's any more to say, but if you want to discuss it further... how about YOU take it up with ME in PM. I'm out.
Luckily,I never said that because it would of been an instant report to fables as abuse.
zeogold: Also, I'll nominate leonard03 for X-COM: UFO Defense since he mentioned that he missed it while it was free.
Awesome possum. I can't wait to get demolished by this game.
Thanks to zeo and Crackpot.756!
Post edited February 05, 2017 by Leonard03
LootHunter: Or at least Apocalypse?
zeogold: Granted.
Thank you zeogold and Crackpot.756. Now I'm one step close to have full X-com series. :D
zeogold: Also, I'll nominate leonard03 for X-COM: UFO Defense since he mentioned that he missed it while it was free.
Leonard03: Awesome possum. I can't wait to get demolished by this game.
Thanks to zeo and Crackpot.756!
If you haven't heard already, be sure to play it using OpenXCOM.
low rated
I'll help you with the neverending "lesser wanted" games by taking one of the Crash Time 2 keys. ;)
Post edited February 05, 2017 by TheBlondMagician
TheBlondMagician: I'll help you with the neverending "lesser wanted" games by taking one of the Crash Time 2 keys. ;)
Wait....X-COM?...Interceptor?.....To hell with it! I am asking!
Update: Enslaved: Odyssey to the West and Project Cars added, courtesy of Doc0075.
World War 3 - Black Gold, Earth 2150 - Escape from the Blue Planet, The Troma Project, Commander - Conquest of the Americas, One Finger Death Punch, Finding Teddy (Desura key), and One Finger Death Punch (Desura key) added, courtesy of MarkoH01.
Chicken Shoot 2 added, courtesy of PookaMustard.
I'll take WW III: Black Gold. The 2nd half is super hard but fuck it; playing as terrorist is fun. :P
I like that their strongest vehicle is a beat to hell pickup truck.
Post edited February 07, 2017 by tinyE
low rated
May I have Enslaved: Odyssey to the West?
Post edited February 07, 2017 by SamMagel
GioVio123: Wait....X-COM?...Interceptor?.....To hell with it! I am asking!
tinyE: I'll take WW III: Black Gold.
Also granted.
SamMagel: May I have Enslaved: Odyssey to the West?
Granted as well.
Post edited February 07, 2017 by zeogold
Can I get Project Cars?
That should about wrap me up for the month ;)
low rated
TheBlondMagician: I'll help you with the neverending "lesser wanted" games by taking one of the Crash Time 2 keys. ;)
zeogold: Granted.
Thanks innerring and Zeo.
Post edited February 07, 2017 by TheBlondMagician
I would really like project cars please
Post edited February 07, 2017 by VVhiteVVolf