Posted July 27, 2016


Also these

Taking those two games along with Golden Axe and what you've already taken will actually not clear your eligibility this month since they were all marked with daggers. You're still free to have 2 non-dagger games.

- Poker Night at the Inventory
- GabeN: The Final Decision
- Spec Ops: The Line
I mean, c'mon, we have to show her that we love her somehow, right?
Way cheaper than flowers.
Granted. I do hope your friend enjoys it!
Oh, I thought I had. GOG's been having this weird bug for me lately where sometimes the edit won't appear when I click the "post my message" button. I'm going to have to start paying more attention.
Sorry, you were already beaten to it. It's only $1 on the current Humble bundle, though. There also might be more copies showing up if you wait around long enough, considering how cheap the bundle is.
I could've sworn I saw you request Lethal League. It was taken by cecil already, true, but somebody just showed up with another code for it, so I'll send it to you.
Request necro-granted.
Post edited July 27, 2016 by zeogold