Falci: Think I can get Yakuza Kiwami 2 in Brazil?
Otherwise, Project Cars Game of the Year Edition
SEGA's region locking for these keys is insane. I have to go to their store page on Fanantical and choose each individual country I want to check. Sadly, I it looks like it won't activate in any South American countries, including Brazil, however it should activate in Puerto Rico, and both the U.S. and British Virgin Islands. Your request for Project Cars Game of the Year Edition is granted.
tiredliger: Can i ask for Imperator: Rome please?
Pouyou-pouyou: I'd like to have The Testament of Sherlock Holmes please.
goldfishfingers: Asking for Yakuza Kiwami 2
NickZah: May I have STAR WARS Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy?
drxenija: Can I ask for Moonlighter?