kmcoolice: Thank you
Korotan for donating "BioShock: The Collection" , thank you
Damon18 for keeping statistics and thank you, our giveaway lord,
finkleroy, for hosting this giveaway.:)
drxenija: Thank you Korotan for Spec Ops! I wish I could go back to 2011 and you let me have at least a piece of nostalgia!
Mugiwarah: Thank you Korotan for Borderlands: The Handsome Collection and Spec Ops: The Line and Thanks to finkleroy for the giveaway
greeklover: Thanks Korotan and finkleroy for Borderlands The Handsome Collection. For those who wanted this game, there is a rumour that it will be given away for free on Epic Games during the next weeks.
Paulo_Moura69: Thank you Korotan and finkleroy for the game NBA 2K20.
zejango: Thank you finkleroy, Korotan for NBA 2K20 and Catac1ysm for Dream Pinball 3D.
asilay: I'd want to thank Korotan for HumbleBundle gift of Sid Meier's Pirates, it even made me weep a little because of nostalgia, this picture can literally describe my feelings right now
And many thanks to irreplaceable finkleroy, you are the life and soul of the community
PMPMGamer: Thank you so much finkleroy and Korotan for NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 and WWE 2K20! :)
A.Ryan: Huge thanks to Lone_Scout for Beat cop, Korotan for WWE 2k20 and Fink for keep working in this amazing thread. Thanks guys!
PS: Sorry Damon18, that key come from old txt, i didnt know was already redeemed :(. let me try to fix it via PM.
pferreira1983: Thanks to donators A.Ryan and Korotan for the games. Also thanks to finkleroy for providing these keys.
RonianAT: Dankeschön Korotan für Civ3!
Dark_art_: Thank you Finkleroy and Korotan for the games, you're both awsome!
RickyAndersen: Many thanks to Korotan and finkleroy for The Darkness II!
zaMNal: Thank you to Korotan and finkleroy for The Darkness II, very interesting game :D
Your welcome everyone.
It Is nice to see my little accident brought you so much joy.
This time I did not write individual thanks because I suffer right now from a worse getting depression and it is now the first time since a week I looked into it here again. So have fun guys, stay healthy and Game on!