supplementscene: Is it correct that RedRabbitRun has donated all those games? That's epic. Big thank you from the community to him and all the donors
Glad to see them go to a good home. -_^ Thank you, too, to
zeogold and
finkleroy for giving of their own time to facilitate all of this (I felt a bit sorry for finkleroy as soon as I realised that he/she was painstakingly adding reference URLs to each and every key ...).
For anyone wondering why some are marked with "There is a chance this key might not work", it's simply because I had those jotted down on a very old list and I can't definitively recall whether I had previously given those to friends or not. I later kept much better notes of the ones I'd donated, but they're
probably fine (and once one or two have redeemed successfully, it should be safe to assume that they'll all work).
It's also possible that some keys will only redeem in Europe - though, to my recollection, most of these were purchased prior to Steam's (occasional) introduction of regional restrictions. In any case, if you're unable to redeem the key due to a regional restriction - first, my apologies (no way for me to know, that I'm aware of) - and second, please return to zeogold or finkleroy with a note that the key is region-restricted to Europe (or give to a friend).