THESLITHERYDEE: Can I have SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated + SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated - Soundtrack (DLC) please?
Nunc: Hi, I have played GOG games for many years (10 years exactly!), and love the platform. I own around 70 games and my wishlist is currently of the same size! I usually only lurk on forums so I'm not sure if I come across as "active enough", but this giveaway made me excited to see what goes on in the community!
I'll humbly submit my request for:
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY Edition Deluxe
I'm also interested in the soon expiring daggered games, especially X-Morph: Defense.
Thank you to all of you who keep contributing to the giveaway!
As you said, you don't really have much recent forum activity, so you're not eligible for the giveaway yet. I'll make an exception for the daggered keys that are soon to expire, though. I take it from your post that you're interested in all three of them.
apehater: i'd like to ask for a daggered iratus key