Vingry: One question. May I know the reason behind the information you've given? It's because I've always interpreted the one month rule as something that depends on the date of the user's previous request for a game. For example, if I were to request for a game on the 8th of October, then it would only be correct for me to request for another game on the 8th of November (in which case, if I decided to request for another game after that date, then I would now have to follow the new adjusted future date). I don't know, but from reading your post, I get the impression that anyone (that is of course, following the listed requirements on the first post), is able to request for a game everytime a new month has just begun.
Everything is clearly explained in the first page! It's not an impression you get. One game per month (plus the daggered ones), it's always been like that since the Zeogold days. The information about the time is relevant because of the different time zones we live in, for example we people in Europe are "ahead" of finkleroy and our other friends in the USA. But we don't get to ask for a game before anybody alse! I made a fool of myself that way just a couple of months ago. The beginning of the month must be officially the same for everyone internationally, and has to be convenient for finkleroy who lives in the USA and is dealing everything for us. Sorry for the repetitions, I have spent the night awake, it's 7 am here, I have done a crazy gaming night like I hadn't one in a couple of years. Nerdy dark pleasures...