BenKii: Thanks gogtrial34987 for the DLC and thank you finkleroy once again for picking up the tab for zeogold.
You're very welcome. Be aware that if you play on hard the difficulty of this DLC is quite a step up from the base game, mostly because your enemies have better weapons, so if you're out of cover, they can and will one-shot your crucial characters. It mostly successfully toes the line between a very worthwhile challenge and too frustrating, but every so often might edge over. Otherwise same good storytelling as in the base game. Enjoy!
pferreira1983: Thanks to gogtrial34987 for the game and all hail our new commander finkleroy!
You're very welcome. Master of Magic is just one of these eternal games that everyone should have played. Difficulty is of course steep for modern sensibilities, but it's also a game where you can successfully fight back from the brink of destruction - well, as long as your last town doesn't get wiped out by a party of wandering war bears. I always really enjoy the mid game where your magic powers start allowing you some really cool spells. Good luck with it, and enjoy!
te_lanus: Thanks to gogtrial34987 for the game and all hail our new commander finkleroy! (and yes I stole this)
You're very welcome. I'm still only halfway through Train Valley's levels myself. It's such a deceptively simple game, but at some point the complexity of all your tracks and switches will get quite overwhelming. You'll be plotting the courses of five trains at once, and they should all be able to reach their destination without mishap - except that you overlooked that two go over the same bit of track, but then the one needs to go left and the other right, and so you left the switch in the one position, and now need to frantically scout ahead to see if you can still reroute the other train!
Timing it all is
really tough and frustrating, as you lack all tools to accurately judge speeds and time, but I do believe that that hurdle is a large part of what makes the game work, as judging accurately will feel incredibly satisfying. Enjoy!