My great apologies for the delay, you guys. I know I tend to hit you with 'em a lot, but this life event was...big, as Finkle told you. Very good, just very life-changing and it'll take me a good while to fully process it, it's overwhelming.Thanks for your unending patience with me.
Drakon1590: Well, in that case I would like to make a request for my friend and count it to my limit, becouse this is more important to me than geting another game for myself. So once again may I request for "Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga" for my friend?
janus0x: I would like to ask for a Little Big Adventure 2 copy please if possible. Thank you very much.
pferreira1983: Hi, please for this month can I have a copy of Adventures of Shuggy if possible?
All granted.
Mugiwarah: Hi, may i ask for Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga thank you.
Hm...looking you up turns up mostly just giveaways. Could be my Google-fu is just lacking or something, but for now:
Denied due to lack of participation.
MicrofishdCon: I think...the
proper time has come that I should do this.
I'd like one of those five copies of Toonstruck please, Zeo.
Expired, sorry.