arsalan12: May I request Hitman 2?
tomyam80: Hi, i wld like 2 request 4 Hitman 3: Contracts (That is if Enabias refuses the nomination, if he takes up then just ignore my request.) Haha.
Also granted.
Sulibor: Can I ask for Diablo?
Granted as well.
i_hope_you_rot: If the game appears on the gift list :
May i request Hitman Blood Money ?
You can't pre-request, but it's there now, if you return again before someone else picks it up.
AWG43: I'd like to nominate zeogold for The 7th Guest: 25th Anniversary Edition :)
For one thing, I appreciate the thought, but I don't take games from this giveaway (the way I see it, my GOG wishlist is public, so if somebody wanted to get me a game, they could just do it directly). For another thing...I'm the one who donated that code.