MarkoH01: [...]I don't tell you this to be rude [...]
Are you afraid you'll sound rude to someone who:
• treat the community like
"FU people, I'm here for some games take my list bro"?
don't want to understand some simple rules of how things work here (because I deny to believe he
can't really understand) and continues to act like a douche?
• now he even started sending friend requests, the
nes way, who knows why? (yeah, OK, for game asking - what else).
Aside from a small minority, i think this community - in general - is very welcome & open to Newcomers (yes, capital n) as any other community should be. I know, I've been there too, back in '14. But newcomers like this deadpool dude, no thanks.
Anyway, TL; DR, i shot the sheriff, lot's of love & BOOM! ;)
ps. he even necro'ed the original Community Giveaway! Proof that GOG search works! :D