Posted December 17, 2015

Registered: Jun 2013
From Spain

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted December 17, 2015

If a game is not handed out it is because of one of these reasons:
- recipient already got a game this month
- recipient is not what you'd call an active community member
- I am still waiting on a response from the recipient for a previous nomination
- recipient is participating in Secret Santa (this reason will of course be obsolete soon)

Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted December 17, 2015
Ugh, can someone compile a list of the people that got a game in the month of December? Looking through all the posts and writing them manually down takes too much time. It could help my search this way.

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland
Posted December 17, 2015
high rated

I think I found and excluded all people who got one of the expiring keys since I would not count them for the normal giveaway.
_Slaugh_ 5ives A_Future_Pilot adaliabooks AgentBirdnest agentcarr16 ALH Amadren AmethystViper AngloZaxxon Aningan apehater ashwald astroclay astropup Azhdar babark bad_fur_day1 bela555 BenKii Big_Stupid BillyMaysFan59 BKGaming bler144 Bookwyrm627 Breja brunosiffredi Callipleura Casval_Deikun cecil chadjenofsky Chandoraa ChaunceyK CloudUchiha cogadh coryrj1995 coxdr croxxx Crsldmc Daminite DampSquib darthspudius Davane dawnpatrol Dawnreader defektive DieRuhe docbear1975 DyNaer Enebias EPurpl3 ExiL0n export Falci Fesin flubbucket Garrett24601 Gede Gengar78 Geralt_of_Rivia GioVio123 GlennPN gogamess GoodOldB1ackjack Green_Hilltop grounddown77 HanselPete Hardrada Hex1a4 HijacK honx hucklebarry hummer010 Hunter65536 hyperagathon HypersomniacLive Iain IAmSinistar Impaler26 Intyalle Ixamyakxim JediEagle jimrh69 jumbalia KaLaTa KasperHviid klatch Klumpen0815 KneeTheCap Kronoor Lemon_Curry Lin545 LoboBlanco LynXsh madth3 Magoxx mariabarring MasodikTiasma Matruchus MaxFulvus mike_cesara mikopotato mindblast mintee misteryo Momo1991 montcer9012 Moonbeam MorphysLaw MrFortyFive mrkgnao MulderYuffie Namxas01 neurasthenya Nicole28 Oathe pablodusk PainOfSalvation park_84 penumbren PhilD Piranjade platercake Prah RenKalan Revarye Ritualisto Roelibex RogueXanter Ruubet Sangheili121 sasuke12 Schizo2015 ScotchMonkey seaspanky Senteria shadowmirage Shendue simulated skeletonbow Skladzien smannesman SpiderFighter staruszek stg83 StickOfPlywood Stilton Sulibor Tallima tarasis te_lanus Tekkaman-James thejimz Themken TheMonkofDestiny TheSaint54 theslitherydeee thk47 Tim_Fey tinyE triock UniversalWolf v3 ValamirCleaver Vestin Vyraexii Vythonaut WesleyB Wishbone wizall Wolfehunter wolfsrain X-com YaTEdiGo Zchinque zeogold zevri
Post edited December 17, 2015 by moonshineshadow

Per aspera ad astra
Registered: Jun 2014
From Greece

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted December 17, 2015

I think I found and excluded all people who got one of the expiring keys since I would not count them for the normal giveaway.
_Slaugh_ 5ives A_Future_Pilot adaliabooks AgentBirdnest agentcarr16 ALH Amadren AmethystViper AngloZaxxon Aningan apehater ashwald astroclay astropup Azhdar babark bad_fur_day1 bela555 BenKii Big_Stupid BillyMaysFan59 BKGaming bler144 Bookwyrm627 Breja brunosiffredi Callipleura Casval_Deikun cecil chadjenofsky Chandoraa ChaunceyK CloudUchiha cogadh coryrj1995 coxdr croxxx Crsldmc Daminite DampSquib darthspudius Davane dawnpatrol Dawnreader defektive DieRuhe docbear1975 DyNaer Enebias EPurpl3 ExiL0n export Falci Fesin flubbucket Garrett24601 Gede Gengar78 Geralt_of_Rivia GioVio123 GlennPN gogamess GoodOldB1ackjack Green_Hilltop grounddown77 HanselPete Hardrada Hex1a4 HijacK honx hucklebarry hummer010 Hunter65536 hyperagathon HypersomniacLive Iain IAmSinistar Impaler26 Intyalle Ixamyakxim JediEagle jimrh69 jumbalia KaLaTa KasperHviid klatch Klumpen0815 KneeTheCap Kronoor Lemon_Curry Lin545 LoboBlanco LynXsh madth3 Magoxx mariabarring MasodikTiasma Matruchus MaxFulvus mike_cesara mikopotato mindblast mintee misteryo Momo1991 montcer9012 Moonbeam MorphysLaw MrFortyFive mrkgnao MulderYuffie Namxas01 neurasthenya Nicole28 Oathe pablodusk PainOfSalvation park_84 penumbren PhilD Piranjade platercake Prah RenKalan Revarye Ritualisto Roelibex RogueXanter Ruubet Sangheili121 sasuke12 Schizo2015 ScotchMonkey seaspanky Senteria shadowmirage Shendue simulated skeletonbow Skladzien smannesman SpiderFighter staruszek stg83 StickOfPlywood Stilton Sulibor Tallima tarasis te_lanus Tekkaman-James thejimz Themken TheMonkofDestiny TheSaint54 theslitherydeee thk47 Tim_Fey tinyE triock UniversalWolf v3 ValamirCleaver Vestin Vyraexii Vythonaut WesleyB Wishbone wizall wizall Wolfehunter wolfsrain X-com YaTEdiGo Zchinque zeogold zevri

Registered: Jul 2014
From Germany
Posted December 17, 2015

Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted December 17, 2015

I think I found and excluded all people who got one of the expiring keys since I would not count them for the normal giveaway.
_Slaugh_ 5ives A_Future_Pilot adaliabooks AgentBirdnest agentcarr16 ALH Amadren AmethystViper AngloZaxxon Aningan apehater ashwald astroclay astropup Azhdar babark bad_fur_day1 bela555 BenKii Big_Stupid BillyMaysFan59 BKGaming bler144 Bookwyrm627 Breja brunosiffredi Callipleura Casval_Deikun cecil chadjenofsky Chandoraa ChaunceyK CloudUchiha cogadh coryrj1995 coxdr croxxx Crsldmc Daminite DampSquib darthspudius Davane dawnpatrol Dawnreader defektive DieRuhe docbear1975 DyNaer Enebias EPurpl3 ExiL0n export Falci Fesin flubbucket Garrett24601 Gede Gengar78 Geralt_of_Rivia GioVio123 GlennPN gogamess GoodOldB1ackjack Green_Hilltop grounddown77 HanselPete Hardrada Hex1a4 HijacK honx hucklebarry hummer010 Hunter65536 hyperagathon HypersomniacLive Iain IAmSinistar Impaler26 Intyalle Ixamyakxim JediEagle jimrh69 jumbalia KaLaTa KasperHviid klatch Klumpen0815 KneeTheCap Kronoor Lemon_Curry Lin545 LoboBlanco LynXsh madth3 Magoxx mariabarring MasodikTiasma Matruchus MaxFulvus mike_cesara mikopotato mindblast mintee misteryo Momo1991 montcer9012 Moonbeam MorphysLaw MrFortyFive mrkgnao MulderYuffie Namxas01 neurasthenya Nicole28 Oathe pablodusk PainOfSalvation park_84 penumbren PhilD Piranjade platercake Prah RenKalan Revarye Ritualisto Roelibex RogueXanter Ruubet Sangheili121 sasuke12 Schizo2015 ScotchMonkey seaspanky Senteria shadowmirage Shendue simulated skeletonbow Skladzien smannesman SpiderFighter staruszek stg83 StickOfPlywood Stilton Sulibor Tallima tarasis te_lanus Tekkaman-James thejimz Themken TheMonkofDestiny TheSaint54 theslitherydeee thk47 Tim_Fey tinyE triock UniversalWolf v3 ValamirCleaver Vestin Vyraexii Vythonaut WesleyB Wishbone wizall Wolfehunter wolfsrain X-com YaTEdiGo Zchinque zeogold zevri

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece

Registered: Oct 2014
From Serbia
Posted December 17, 2015

* a little present for ба́тюшка Tux *

Registered: Jun 2013
From Spain

Registered: Apr 2014
From Mexico
Posted December 17, 2015
Well. I checked that neither Exoanthrope nor me appear on December's list so I would like to nominate him for Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star + Collector's Pack as he has it on his Wishlist as he might get some inspiration for his "Draw and Guess the game!" posts. If possible, I want to get Witcher Adventure Game, The.
Thank you! :)
Thank you! :)
Post edited December 17, 2015 by REDVWIN

Registered: Jun 2013
From Spain

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland

Registered: Jun 2013
From Spain