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I once won a watch in a box of Golden Grahams.
Great Grains: Raisins, Dates, Pecans version.

But what I want to know is what ever happened to the Frito Bandito? Ay, ay, ay, ay!
How I miss this...
heaven.jpg (209 Kb)
93 posts and counting, This thread is epic milk! Get it milk, AKA sauce but milk... I will shut up now.
Matewis: How I miss this...
Fruit Rounds at Aldi stores. No artificial dyes these days, so way better now.
Faithful: But what I want to know is what ever happened to the Frito Bandito? Ay, ay, ay, ay!
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say political correctness.
Faithful: But what I want to know is what ever happened to the Frito Bandito? Ay, ay, ay, ay!
zeogold: I'm going to go out on a limb here and say political correctness.
Kind of.

They still sell them only now they're called "Sugar Puffed Wetbacks".
zeogold: you guys don't have Froot Loops?!

Man, what the heck is with all these perfectly tasty cereals being removed from other countries?
Matewis: It disappeared for a while, along with all it's sugary fruity goodness, only to come back after a few years later with its soul ripped out :P
awalterj explained the sad truth as to why in an old thread I made about the same subject:
I fondly remember that thread - cereal talk about a vital topic, need more like that on this forum!
Matewis: It disappeared for a while, along with all it's sugary fruity goodness, only to come back after a few years later with its soul ripped out :P
awalterj explained the sad truth as to why in an old thread I made about the same subject:
awalterj: I fondly remember that thread - cereal talk about a vital topic, need more like that on this forum!
I wasn't aware that thread existed.
I suppose I could've just necroed it, but eh. A bit too late for all that.
awalterj: I fondly remember that thread - cereal talk about a vital topic, need more like that on this forum!
zeogold: I wasn't aware that thread existed.
I suppose I could've just necroed it, but eh. A bit too late for all that.
Better to have two cereal threads than none. That way, we can talk about cereal threads within cereal threads. Total inception!
I'm all out of any form of milk, and had to resort to plain tap water lately. Not the same experience anymore!
skeletonbow: had to resort to plain tap water lately.
That is some SERIOUS desperation.
skeletonbow: I'm all out of any form of milk, and had to resort to plain tap water lately. Not the same experience anymore!
Make sure to pick up an extra when you go to the store so you don't find yourself in this predicament again.
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skeletonbow: I'm all out of any form of milk, and had to resort to plain tap water lately. Not the same experience anymore!
TARFU: Make sure to pick up an extra when you go to the store so you don't find yourself in this predicament again.
They sell that here.

And not just on the border where I live, but down in Missouri where I used to live.