Posted March 04, 2013

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted March 04, 2013
The Flinstones didn't have electricity, and they had a record player, t.v., and a car. Duh!

Registered: Apr 2012
From Switzerland
Posted March 04, 2013
Ooh. Okay. Thanks for the precision, I didn't know it could be used that way, so the statement was a bit confusing to me.
Funny that I didn't know that, as the same double meaning exists in french ("con" means "mouni" as well as "vlakas").
And yeah, that website's vocabulary is a tad too elaborate for mine right now. I keep it as a benchmark. Although I expect to get able to decypher slang words sooner than their definitions.
For now I'm still at mixing up "vrizo" kai "vrαzo", with some interesting results.
Funny that I didn't know that, as the same double meaning exists in french ("con" means "mouni" as well as "vlakas").
And yeah, that website's vocabulary is a tad too elaborate for mine right now. I keep it as a benchmark. Although I expect to get able to decypher slang words sooner than their definitions.
For now I'm still at mixing up "vrizo" kai "vrαzo", with some interesting results.

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted March 06, 2013
Now I'm told to buy a gaming console (for party games, dancing games, whatever), but I don't feel like doing it.
Good thing that the new console generation is now looming on the horizon, I used that as an excuse that now is not a good time to buy.
I think this discussion was sparked as I reconnected my old PS2 to the new LED TV today, after being disconnected for several months (I think).
Good thing that the new console generation is now looming on the horizon, I used that as an excuse that now is not a good time to buy.
I think this discussion was sparked as I reconnected my old PS2 to the new LED TV today, after being disconnected for several months (I think).

Remorse: The List, if you like FPS psych horror
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States
Posted March 06, 2013
I've spent half my spring break up, and 95% of it was just spent in my room. I was suppose to catch up on classwork and other important things, but (especially right now) I just can't get up the energy to bother.

Registered: Apr 2010
From Finland
Posted March 06, 2013
Memory is such a fickle thing. Seems like a few hours ago I ended up spreading misinformation due to weird memories. Basically, I remember having read something "from a legit source" about 7 years ago, but I can't remember the source or the details, just a general notion of what was said. Anyway, I stated that general notion as a fact, and later started wondering since it seemed off. I just spent quite a while trying to find any information about it, but only found information that's the complete opposite of what I remembered. Now I'm just confused about how and where I got that most likely incorrect notion of mine.
It wasn't anything serious, just talk about music genres. Since I'm tired enough to obsess over things like that, I should probably be sleeping already. Yes, the bed beckons..
It wasn't anything serious, just talk about music genres. Since I'm tired enough to obsess over things like that, I should probably be sleeping already. Yes, the bed beckons..

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted March 06, 2013
We had a power outage and all the food in the fridge went bad. Here is a picture:

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other

Who am I?
Registered: Nov 2009
From United States
Posted March 07, 2013
I'll keep it short and simple. GF decided to buy two tickets for spring break one here and one to go see her fam....
Sucks being a backup boyfriend...........
I suppose this means I can find a back up girlfriend
Sucks being a backup boyfriend...........
I suppose this means I can find a back up girlfriend

Registered: Mar 2009
From Denmark
Posted March 07, 2013
I was supposed to start a 5-week course in webdesign on Monday and the school called me today and said it got canceled because there were too few signed up for it but that I can take the course next time it starts in April. I'm unemployed so that sucks and it would be nice to get out and do something but I guess I'll have to wait now.

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted March 07, 2013
I can't post replies. :O

Positive Patty
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted March 07, 2013
We've been looking for land to build on, something in the 1-5 acre range - nothing special. Just need a sizable, without being too far away from her job, and without costing a mint.
So we found a few really nice lots last week, in a countryside subdivision a couple miles from where Mom lives. Two lots in particular, side-by-side, would make a perfect purchase for us at right around 3 acres combined and with the southern exposure I'm looking for. And at a very nice price. We were ready to sign paperwork if everything checked out.
We got in touch with the listing agent, who then sent us a copy of the restrictions. Standard stuff, and then I see something like 'no residences may be used for business purposes.' Really? So I can't run my little one-man-show out of the house even though I never have customers at my place, never make any substantial noise outside of the house, don't have any signage, and otherwise give absolutely no outward appearance that any business is going on? She gets back with us: "No business of any kind shall be conducted on any lot" which means you wouldn't be able to work out of your house.
I guess that also means no paid babysitting, no Mary Kay salesbroads, no Pampered Chef or Scentsy parties, no day traders, no Girl Scout cookie sales, no garage sales. Yeah, right.
Stupid frickin' inflexible restrictive covenant crap. This is the second nice lot we've seen, and considered buying, with this damn clause in it. Really starting to piss me off. "Generic cookie-cutter look-alike house? By all means, bring it on! Got a loud-ass Harley farting it's way around the neighborhood? Please, we welcome you with open arms! Wait - you dare work for yourself quietly in your own home?!? The nerve of some people - away with you, fiend!"
We may just buy it anyway and simply not tell anyone what I do on the property, and maybe rent a PO Box.
So we found a few really nice lots last week, in a countryside subdivision a couple miles from where Mom lives. Two lots in particular, side-by-side, would make a perfect purchase for us at right around 3 acres combined and with the southern exposure I'm looking for. And at a very nice price. We were ready to sign paperwork if everything checked out.
We got in touch with the listing agent, who then sent us a copy of the restrictions. Standard stuff, and then I see something like 'no residences may be used for business purposes.' Really? So I can't run my little one-man-show out of the house even though I never have customers at my place, never make any substantial noise outside of the house, don't have any signage, and otherwise give absolutely no outward appearance that any business is going on? She gets back with us: "No business of any kind shall be conducted on any lot" which means you wouldn't be able to work out of your house.
I guess that also means no paid babysitting, no Mary Kay salesbroads, no Pampered Chef or Scentsy parties, no day traders, no Girl Scout cookie sales, no garage sales. Yeah, right.
Stupid frickin' inflexible restrictive covenant crap. This is the second nice lot we've seen, and considered buying, with this damn clause in it. Really starting to piss me off. "Generic cookie-cutter look-alike house? By all means, bring it on! Got a loud-ass Harley farting it's way around the neighborhood? Please, we welcome you with open arms! Wait - you dare work for yourself quietly in your own home?!? The nerve of some people - away with you, fiend!"
We may just buy it anyway and simply not tell anyone what I do on the property, and maybe rent a PO Box.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted March 08, 2013

We may just buy it anyway and simply not tell anyone what I do on the property, and maybe rent a PO Box.
(From Wikipedia: Modifying or Removing Covenants
"Where a Homeowner's association exists, restrictive covenants may usually be modified or repealed by the association through procedures set forth in its bylaws. If such an association does not exist, in most jurisdictions the property owner may petition a court of law to have the restrictive covenants modified or repealed, and the judge presiding over the case will rule to either leave the covenants in place as is, amend the covenants, or strike them from the deed.")
It's your property(once you buy it) what you feel like(as long as it isn't majorly/negatively infringing on your neighbor's rights, etc). :\

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted March 08, 2013
When my folk an I built our inn the county waited untill the end of construction before telling us we weren't zoned for having a business out of the home. The zoning laws said we were but they insisted the zoning laws were written incorrectly and it thus didn't matter what was written. Mind you, they said this to us without laughing. I wasn't there for all the wrangling and permits and meetings and red tape bullshit so I don't know the details but obviously we managed to win out and we are grooving with the inn...kind of. We recently moved to purchase some miniature donkeys as pets, and the county insist we aren't zoned for them as our property isn't appropriate for raising animals; we live in THE NORTH WOODS! What would be appropriate, downtown Detroit!? We are on the verge of getting around this and right now our biggest problem is that I want to name one of the donkeys 'Prozac'.
My point for posting this is to let you know that you aren't alone being bullied around with this crap and in my experience if you stick by your guns you can come out on top here. My best wishes to you and let us know how it turns out.
My point for posting this is to let you know that you aren't alone being bullied around with this crap and in my experience if you stick by your guns you can come out on top here. My best wishes to you and let us know how it turns out.
Post edited March 08, 2013 by tinyE