Posted January 18, 2021

Registered: Jul 2009
From Australia

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted January 18, 2021
low rated
It's likely the forum trolls with their bots and too much time on their hands(they seem to often be the same types who like to "minimod" and think they know what's best for the forums). My advice is to just ignore them. :)

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Registered: Dec 2017
From Canada

Uncle robo cat
Registered: Apr 2015
From Slovenia
Posted January 18, 2021
Ah yes why Europe does require to post your ID on for watching youtube videos that are age restricted?
My first account on youtube was banned back 2012 or 13 but my second account never had any strikes.
The reason it was banned was that they never respected fair use. Only one video was legit for copyright strike since i didn't know the music from the video and that got copyright striked.
The rest were anime otomads which should have been fair use and the first video that got striked i actually won and the copyright strike was removed.
Now my second account doesn't use my real age and the first account only used data was for winning that strike was real in the counter claim, but the rest i didn't bother to counter claim them and then i went using my second account. Now i wonder i still have my first email for everything except youtube and my second email only for youtube.
Now i really don't know what would happen if i would post my ID
Oh you can still download the videos from youtube from some site though
My first account on youtube was banned back 2012 or 13 but my second account never had any strikes.
The reason it was banned was that they never respected fair use. Only one video was legit for copyright strike since i didn't know the music from the video and that got copyright striked.
The rest were anime otomads which should have been fair use and the first video that got striked i actually won and the copyright strike was removed.
Now my second account doesn't use my real age and the first account only used data was for winning that strike was real in the counter claim, but the rest i didn't bother to counter claim them and then i went using my second account. Now i wonder i still have my first email for everything except youtube and my second email only for youtube.
Now i really don't know what would happen if i would post my ID
Oh you can still download the videos from youtube from some site though
Post edited January 18, 2021 by Fonzer

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom

Uncle robo cat
Registered: Apr 2015
From Slovenia
Posted January 19, 2021
Now i wonder since on my tablet i am actually using original account even for youtube not long ago made and the second pc only account for youtube which has more subscriptions to the things i watch.
Seems tablet still works with age restricted videos.
Post edited January 19, 2021 by Fonzer

New User
Registered: Nov 2008
From Other
Posted January 31, 2021
low rated
So, there I am again. After a two months ban from gog. Why two month? Because it was the forth time and the ban period doubles every time and starts with one week at your first ban. Why was I banned?
Did I post pornographic pictures?
Did I post racist jokes?
Did I deny the holocaust?
Definitely no.
Did I insult a mod?
I don't think so.
I did just link videos and articles in the "What are you listening to at present?" and the "What are you Reading?" threads which had not seldom political or scientific topics. In other words I only shared what I listened to and read. I didn't break gogs code of conduct. No, according to Beaubergine posting links about "political matters into the Forum could be an opening for a discussion of said topics and we do not believe this is an appropriate place to discuss complex issues."
So I was banned because someone else could break the code of conduct by replying to me. That means I am now responsible for the potential reaction of others before they happened.
Really, gog? You got to be kidding me.
If this is your new moderation policy than you are definitely not "the good guys" that you claim to be!
And just to make this clear: While I'm banned, I will not spent any money here because I will not also reward this kind of bullshit.
I already stopped using Galaxy and kicked it of my system, turned off store notifications and stopped mentioning you, gog, in any conversation, whether in a positive or negative way.
You really do your best - or should I rather say worst - to make your forum unbearable. But I guess you don't care about that anymore or the old forum members who can still remember how it was before.
My very first ban was only last year when I posted in the release thread of "Tonight We Riot". A game with political content. Was the writer of the news also banned for provoking posts about politics?
Did I post pornographic pictures?
Did I post racist jokes?
Did I deny the holocaust?
Definitely no.
Did I insult a mod?
I don't think so.
I did just link videos and articles in the "What are you listening to at present?" and the "What are you Reading?" threads which had not seldom political or scientific topics. In other words I only shared what I listened to and read. I didn't break gogs code of conduct. No, according to Beaubergine posting links about "political matters into the Forum could be an opening for a discussion of said topics and we do not believe this is an appropriate place to discuss complex issues."
So I was banned because someone else could break the code of conduct by replying to me. That means I am now responsible for the potential reaction of others before they happened.
Really, gog? You got to be kidding me.
If this is your new moderation policy than you are definitely not "the good guys" that you claim to be!
And just to make this clear: While I'm banned, I will not spent any money here because I will not also reward this kind of bullshit.
I already stopped using Galaxy and kicked it of my system, turned off store notifications and stopped mentioning you, gog, in any conversation, whether in a positive or negative way.
You really do your best - or should I rather say worst - to make your forum unbearable. But I guess you don't care about that anymore or the old forum members who can still remember how it was before.
My very first ban was only last year when I posted in the release thread of "Tonight We Riot". A game with political content. Was the writer of the news also banned for provoking posts about politics?
Post edited January 31, 2021 by viperfdl

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Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany

New User
Registered: Nov 2008
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Posted January 31, 2021
low rated
Belief what you want. But your lack of understanding of the idea of differing opinions in a democracy rather shows what sort of man your are. And I'm not surprised that you are from Germany.

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted January 31, 2021
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Registered: Nov 2008
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Posted February 01, 2021
low rated
Thanks and voted.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted February 01, 2021
low rated

Which is odd, seeing as the forums don't get much traffic these days.
(my theory is they maybe are being made to make the forums unbearable so that eventually hardly no one uses them, so that HQ has a reason to close them...or at least remake them into something more akin to social media)

A shame that only has 6 votes.
(I am guessing many sadly either don't care anymore or benefit from the forums being the way they are)
Imo GOG should just keep the CMs & maybe one HQ staffer for stuff they cannot handle.....and only for spam cleanup and removal of serious forum tos violations.....and elsewise they should remain hands off with regards to the forums.
(edit: and maybe put a report post button that actually reports users can report posts to staff/CMs for them to moderate)
My contribution:
Don't use the "wrong social media site"...they could get you fired JUST FOR USING THEM
(woman fired for using parler and gab....not making "bad" posts on them....just using them)
Post edited February 01, 2021 by GamezRanker

vaccines work she/her
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted February 01, 2021
high rated

It's just that, for some reason, a portion of the userbase seems to have a problem with game-related discussions on this forum, which is clearly a gaming forum. (There've been game-related posts that shouldn't have been controversial that have been "low rated", and I've seen a post that was questioning the existence of the topic (rather than contributing to the discussion) get "high rated" before a mod had to step in and delete the post.)

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted February 01, 2021
low rated

But some here seem to dislike more "serious" talk on gaming(beyond forum games and the aforementioned "fluff talk")....or at least such posted by some of them seem to down rate threads that are more than "fluff" almost on sight.
(such as thread started by the one user geralt...that seem to get low rated almost on sight...despite being on gaming usually[if albeit a bit "oddly" worded at times])

New User
Registered: Nov 2008
From Other
Posted February 02, 2021
low rated

Life is chaotic. ;)