matterbandit: Thx for your kind words, stranger. ;) Sorry about your mom.
Thank is appreciated....yeah it is a bit tough still as I try getting over it(and my dad is getting older so it'll likely happen again at some point someday, but at least I can still try my best to solider on), but I have hope for the future no matter what. :)
matterbandit: Kept thinking of dad asking me to take good care of mom when he was gone and there I was last night, "helping" my mom by crashing his car straight into the garage wall. If there ever was a face palm moment, yesterday was it! I know I will laugh about this one day, but the look of distress on my mom's face haunted me all through the night. I barely slept.
That not sleeping part sucks(been there as well for various reasons)...I hope you get better and get things sorted out soon.
matterbandit: She phoned me today and was extra cheerful. I think she sensed I was beating myself endlessly over what I did. I am feeling a bit less anxious now, but still quite remorseful.
Same as of luck to you, friend, and try and have a happy holiday season. :)
Matewis: Useless national power utility is shedding 4000MW from the grid until tomorrow morning, meaning: 5 hours without electricity today. At least my latest wifi router came with a chargeable battery so I'm going to give that a go.
If you have a laptop and it's charged you should be fine.....if it's a desktop and you have no generator you'll sadly have to wait.