Posted June 02, 2019

Same with the use of "My OCD" by someone who never diagnosed with it to justify their preference. For example, if someone said "I want to buy this xx game so I can complete owning the series cause of my OCD hehe".
For people that have really live with OCD or autism, life's not a joke and people shouldn't treat them or their disorder as a joke.
Imo if a person does have a disorder or belong to a group they should be free to use it as such....some people find joking about their problems makes them more bearable, and it's good for them to be able to do so.
Also some should also be able to use some things if their intent isn't to mock those with said problem...context/intent should matter when judging such people, basically.
Also/an aside: as one with OCD/some tism signs I could care less if one jokes about ain't harming me physically or even mentally(as I choose to not let it get to me in the first place). I realize not everyone will be able to do so, however, but most should be able to physically/mentally ignore such or not let it get to them.

The correct use of the insult would be to call me an autist for getting annoyed over this detail, that I could accept.

The other day I was screamed at by a 70+ year old woman for opening a door for her. She was hobbling with a cane and I became "You ^#&*#^ patriarchal mother#$%." When even acts of kindness or respect are taken as disrespectful acts of aggression, I don't know what to think anymore.
And yes...
Coming from a family that suffers from severe PTSD from a lifetime of Emergency Services and Public Safety, hearing "children" say they're "triggered" is angering and ridiculous.
Also, sadly saying to some that saying they are triggered all the time/for minor stuff is offensive somehow to them...even if it offends you that they are saying it their offense is considered more worthy/acceptable by some because they are more PC as seen by some.
Disclaimer: I also have ocd/etc and suffer actual triggers from various things and have severe panic attacks where I can;'t move/think clearly for a good amount of time. When others say a few words triggered them & they sit there able to do/say stuff without panicking it just irks me to no end.
Yet I remain mature/calm and choose to just let them go(sometimes with a few civil but choice words) on and ignore them for the most part...unlike how they would likely treat me if I said/did the wrong thing.
Addition: Heck, I defend some who get treated poorly here and one user calls it bad/a hero complex and insults me over it, and another just recently told me to f off(basically) after all the good things I said to them/times I stood up for them because I dared question them on one thing they said. Some people can be rude....we just have to deal with it and move on as best we can.
Post edited June 02, 2019 by GameRager