Posted November 08, 2018

This is bad enough online, but when I answer the door I'm getting really tired of the "is your mom or dad at home?" with me right in front of them with my giant gray streaks.
First, I am closer to 40 than 20..
Secondly, every time I complain about this IRL I get told 'oh it's a compliment!'. It is not a compliment to a millennial and I'm no where near old enough to find it complimentary anyway.
Lastly, they always look so surprised when they find I'm not an easy sell. If it keeps up I'm just going to say "no, my parents are DEAD!!" and close the door on them.
Bonus: walking in to buy a new work shirt and get shown the children's uniforms and asked what size I wear.

It never gets old when someone asks, "Can I please speak to the owner?" and I reply, "You are!" :D
Then there's the part where it's like "SURE! I'd love to be 18 again and do all the things I didn't get to do and now never can because everything was so bad when I was!" and it just rubs it in some more.