Posted March 12, 2018

By Toutatis!
Registered: Jan 2011
From South Africa

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
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Positive Patty
Registered: Oct 2009
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Registered: Sep 2010
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Posted March 12, 2018
low rated

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
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By Toutatis!
Registered: Jan 2011
From South Africa

Registered: Apr 2012
From Switzerland
Posted March 23, 2018
But what about Fabergé Organics shampoo and conditioner with four puffs of Farrah Fawcett spray when the hair is damp (not wet) ?
Post edited March 23, 2018 by Telika

New User
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted March 23, 2018

Registered: Jul 2015
From Australia

vaccines work she/her
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted March 23, 2018

Your a f**king pussy.
Maybe you should get a tampon to match your lovely fragrant girls hair. You pussy.
There is no reason you can't use nourishing full bodied conditioner with tea tree oil and still be a man. Doing this won't make you a woman unless you want it to (in which case you don't heed to do this in the first place).
For that matter, you can even wear a dress or skirt (or kilt, if you prefer) and still be a man.
The only thing that would make you not a man is if you don't identify as one. If you identify as a man, you are a man, no matter what conditioner you use and no matter what you happen to be wearing on any given day.

That PR Guy Team
Registered: Oct 2011
From Poland

Thanks for everything, and goodbye for now
Registered: Dec 2016
From Indonesia
Posted March 23, 2018
It's 2.20 AM my regional time and after much deliberation I've decided to do a bit of a go here. Hopefully bitching it to anonymous people in a game forum it could do me some good.
Two days ago, the motorcycle that my parents ride got in a accident. It's a low speed one, the perpetrator (The idiot, in a "It's a small world" way, work with the husband of my older cousin in a provincial-owned bank) claim that he got distracted by other vehicles. My Dad survives with only some light bruises. Unfortunately my Mom, a retiree, got a minor fracture in his hips so she couldn't stand on her own power and have to be hospitalized for a while to see if the bone hopefully could do without a major procedure.
Yesterday, the idiot's wife came and offer some kind of condolence and apology. At first, I could restrain myself, but when she said that it's all in God's plan (that's why I hate overtly religious people) I just snapped. Not in physical action, but my poisonous tongue do the job. I take every word of her and turned it to amplify her guilt. You see, I could say the meanest thing possible to break another being's hart. Consciously and unfortunately unconsciously. My classmate long ago once pointed out that I've could hurt people that way. And because of that, I keep people at arms length. I also managed to keep it in check for some time.
Needless to say, my sister didn't take the encounter kindly to me (she's there when I snapped at the wife). So today, when I got around to do some small talk whit my sister, She mentioned that the idiot came by today. When I half jokingly said that I want to know his face and address, she became upset. I've unfortunately lashed that I think the only human made law that resembles justice is an eye for an eye. She's furious.
So now I can't sleep. When I got depressed, my body sometimes won't cooperate. Tried to read some book and watching some movies but that haven't helped.
In a lighter note, I'm suddenly remembered that in the GOG giveaway, there's some games that's been on my wishlist. AW American Nightmare, Battle Realms, Divine Divinity or even Worms. Any one of it would do to help me through the day and sleepless nights.Alas, they were all gone even tough I swear they were still there last month or so.
Thanks for anyone who is reading. Hopefully all of the good people here blessed with god health:)
Two days ago, the motorcycle that my parents ride got in a accident. It's a low speed one, the perpetrator (The idiot, in a "It's a small world" way, work with the husband of my older cousin in a provincial-owned bank) claim that he got distracted by other vehicles. My Dad survives with only some light bruises. Unfortunately my Mom, a retiree, got a minor fracture in his hips so she couldn't stand on her own power and have to be hospitalized for a while to see if the bone hopefully could do without a major procedure.
Yesterday, the idiot's wife came and offer some kind of condolence and apology. At first, I could restrain myself, but when she said that it's all in God's plan (that's why I hate overtly religious people) I just snapped. Not in physical action, but my poisonous tongue do the job. I take every word of her and turned it to amplify her guilt. You see, I could say the meanest thing possible to break another being's hart. Consciously and unfortunately unconsciously. My classmate long ago once pointed out that I've could hurt people that way. And because of that, I keep people at arms length. I also managed to keep it in check for some time.
Needless to say, my sister didn't take the encounter kindly to me (she's there when I snapped at the wife). So today, when I got around to do some small talk whit my sister, She mentioned that the idiot came by today. When I half jokingly said that I want to know his face and address, she became upset. I've unfortunately lashed that I think the only human made law that resembles justice is an eye for an eye. She's furious.
So now I can't sleep. When I got depressed, my body sometimes won't cooperate. Tried to read some book and watching some movies but that haven't helped.
In a lighter note, I'm suddenly remembered that in the GOG giveaway, there's some games that's been on my wishlist. AW American Nightmare, Battle Realms, Divine Divinity or even Worms. Any one of it would do to help me through the day and sleepless nights.Alas, they were all gone even tough I swear they were still there last month or so.
Thanks for anyone who is reading. Hopefully all of the good people here blessed with god health:)
Post edited March 23, 2018 by zlaywal

Registered: Apr 2012
From Switzerland
Posted March 23, 2018
Bah. That's a dumb law too. But for the rest, yeah, I'm not super good at preserving people from my points of view either. Humans are used to live protected by a safe layer of gooey hypocrisy, and to keep their judgements on each others hidden behind smiles, politeness, and plausible deniability. It probably makes society more sustainable (you may require tomorrow the good will of the person you despise today), but there is also something terribly unhealthy about it (people keep lying to each others and to themselves about their perceptions of each others, instead of questioning them and their implications). Paradoxically, I see more respect in insulting people straightforwardly, stating the issue, than in concealing the judgement and its reasons. In insults, there is often, implicitely, a reproach, and a request for change. In silent, hypocritical contempt, there's a desire for status quo, maybe even to preserve the feeling of superiority. Finding it more enjoyable than distressing.
So, yeah. Totally the "burning bridges" sort, here. At least, when I'm unfair, people know it and can correct me. But I'm tired of people pretending. That makes me a handy spokesperson to hurl into the flames from a safe distance. Heck, at least I can be useful like that. To ordinary everyday cowards with ordinary everyday normal lives.
So, I'd say, your choice. Leave people some way out, in order to not regret later having possibly wounded them exaggerately. Or don't, and play the role of shaking some people who are not used to it, and should be shaken more often. If anything, it'll let the rest of your family play "good cop" and balance it out. But understand the pros and cons, and the relative validity of the opposite stance.
Also, maybe simply take the time of evaluating whether the bridge deserves to burn, or should be spared the damage. Don't gratuitously hurt people who, sometimes, are already less self-satisfied than they display. But I suppose that, as you required one specific idiocy to cross the tipping point, you're already somewhat cautious about it...
(And yeah, echoes of this in my life, these days.)
So, yeah. Totally the "burning bridges" sort, here. At least, when I'm unfair, people know it and can correct me. But I'm tired of people pretending. That makes me a handy spokesperson to hurl into the flames from a safe distance. Heck, at least I can be useful like that. To ordinary everyday cowards with ordinary everyday normal lives.
So, I'd say, your choice. Leave people some way out, in order to not regret later having possibly wounded them exaggerately. Or don't, and play the role of shaking some people who are not used to it, and should be shaken more often. If anything, it'll let the rest of your family play "good cop" and balance it out. But understand the pros and cons, and the relative validity of the opposite stance.
Also, maybe simply take the time of evaluating whether the bridge deserves to burn, or should be spared the damage. Don't gratuitously hurt people who, sometimes, are already less self-satisfied than they display. But I suppose that, as you required one specific idiocy to cross the tipping point, you're already somewhat cautious about it...
(And yeah, echoes of this in my life, these days.)
Post edited March 23, 2018 by Telika

vaccines work she/her
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted March 23, 2018

Thanks for anyone who is reading. Hopefully all of the good people here blessed with god health:)
Also, I notice that you said "blessed with god health". Do you actually mean "god", or did you actually mean "good" and accidentally an 'o'?

Thanks for everything, and goodbye for now
Registered: Dec 2016
From Indonesia
Posted March 23, 2018

Yup, I regret it the instant I said it. And the look in my sister's face is not the one I would like to see ever again
Post edited March 23, 2018 by zlaywal