Posted May 04, 2011

I couldn't think of anything more that I could do for this relationship. And yet, she seems cold and distant. She never remembers our anniversaries (oh the irony), she never cares to do anything nice or special for those occasions (while I literally do back flips to surprise her with something pleasant). She never says any nice things to me (like 'I missed you' or 'It's good to see you again'.), nothing. Not to mention the dreadful, absolutely depressing, long silence when I told her that I love her for the first time (to this day she never ever responded to that). She never let me sleep over at her place (nor she wants to sleep over at my place).
I heard that I have to patient and I try to be. I try to be there for her every day. I never complain to her but days like these, when she's cold and in bad mood make me feel really down.
Bleh, just had to get this off my chest.
If you want, pm me,(may finally get to use my counciling stuff, waste of a year so far)
Post edited May 04, 2011 by reaver894