Posted March 08, 2011
KavazovAngel: Dammit, I want a job. I'll work 10 hours per day if I have to (if it has to do something with computers). The closer to the end I come with my university, the more I feel the pressure.
Oh, and I may have the opportunity to move out of the country. But... my girl is here... and I kind of don't want to because of that. Dammit!
/rant :)
Get a job teaching overseas. Also, if you move overseas, girls are easily replaceable. Oh, and I may have the opportunity to move out of the country. But... my girl is here... and I kind of don't want to because of that. Dammit!
/rant :)
Plus, I'm sure there's plenty of places that could use a native speaker for Greek classes. (Assuming you mean that Macedonia rather than the broader one sometimes used)
Or at least that's what I'm going to do as soon as I finish my TESL.