F4LL0UT: I've moved into the new flat, took a few days before my desktop PC was finally operational again. Yesterday I fired it up in the evening because I had some REALLY important stuff to do (related to my business), after a few minutes one of them "Upgrade to Windows 10 or we're gonna devour your children!" popups appeared again. I delayed the upgrade for a week. Or so it seemed. A few minutes later, while I was doing aforementioned important stuff, my PC shut itself down out of nowhere and the upgrade process began, just ignoring the fact that I had delayed it.
Anyway, the upgrade process took like 2+ hours, I had to go to bed before it was done. Got up this morning, had to go through an awkward configuration process where I had to turn off 99% of all features because they require Microsoft to receive my dick pics. After a while the login screen appeared. So I entered my password and guess what, that first login took another 30+ minutes, too long for me to get shit done before leaving for work. Not to mention that I'm fairly certain that at least some of the tools I have to use professionally aren't compatible with Windows 10 (unless I buy expensive upgrades to new versions or something).
You know, I even kinda liked the new Microsoft that is apparently trying to create better and more professional products. But taking me hostage like this... just go fuck yourself and die, Microsoft.
Solution: Avoid using Windows in the first place. Do everything in Linux. If there's no Linux version of the software you use, migrate to software that does run on Linux. If there is no comparable software, re-arrange your workflow so that you don't need Windows-only software in the first place.
(Also, use a stable distribution, like Debian stable, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (or CentOS), Ubuntu LTS; that way you won't have to worry about security updates breaking your system.)