Posted February 06, 2016

Positive Patty
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States

New User
Registered: Jan 2013
From United States
Posted February 07, 2016
Hmm.. I guess it depends on the place or where people actually cared about their jobs and had standards and listen to your view/opinions on things. I know, there will never be a "perfect" place to work because we are all different, but like I said, One can dream!

Registered: Jul 2009
From Australia
Posted February 08, 2016

Hope the feeling of being old lessens for you too? Like maybe sometime feeling like being around since the Middle Ages instead of Ancient Egypt?
It must be hard, having to deal with asperger as well as a mom that's mentally ill and a broken body on top.

Here they grow again
Registered: Oct 2013
From New Zealand
Posted February 08, 2016
I feel like I'm in District 12. I'm oppressed like Katniss, by The Man.
Oppressed I say.
Oppressed I say.

proud to be a social jus- tice warrior
Registered: Jun 2010
From Netherlands
Posted February 09, 2016
Being still alive. Waking up in a world where there's war in Syria, where terrorists kill people, where people fleeing from those terrorists are unwelcome in the lands they flee to, where gay people among the refugees - people who fled to safety - aren't safe and in danger of life and limbs from their fellow refugees. Waking up in a world where in Nigeria terrorists eradicate whole villages. Waking up in a world where - first world problems - your privacy isn't safe because Google, Microsoft and other companies spy on you. Where you have to be careful what you do on the internet as every day criminals are out there trying to scam you, hack accounts, steal your money. Waking up in a world where livestock is mass-produced with disregard for their wellbeing, slaughtered and sold as 'kiloknallers' (cheap meat in the supermarket). Waking up in a world that's heating up more and more, where we only had 1 day of real winter this year, where the oceans are filled with plastic soups and there's lot of places in the ocean that are dead zones because of our pollution. And with this I only scraped the surface of what's wrong with this world. And I wake up for another day in this living hell.

Here they grow again
Registered: Oct 2013
From New Zealand
Posted February 09, 2016

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted February 09, 2016
Being a fan of a game, or of its universe, sucks. Because you are lured to buy the game blindly. Well, i ALWAYS *hated* steam. I always *hated* preorders for ANY game, first exception i made was for Witcher 3 and thankfully, it had been more than well worth it. There are signs to tell that a game is going to be a disaster... Like priority for consoles... Absence of demo... And developers' lies, of course: a) This was made first for pc then ported to consoles b) it is going to have 60 FPS ETC.
Well, FAQ them! I spent a fortune in preordering and i got preordered season pass too, not only i was a fan of that game's universe but i promised this game to my nephew and niece, too! God damn it, thankfully Steam refund works! That game was a CLUNKY, BROKEN, MALFUNCTIONING, FULL OF ERRORS, COMPLETELY WITHOUT OPTIMIZATION AND EXISTENCE OF SETTINGS/OPTIONS TAB ENTIRELY ALTOGETHER, A SHITTY CONSOLE PORT, FULL OF ISSUES, FPS DROPS and worst of all, MOST of its problems, are GAME LAUNCHING ISSUES! Its requirements are quite lower than the witcher 3 too, which i can run just FINE!
Unacceptable! Had those people been professionals in the market on ANY other goods other than pc games, now they would face trial or even serving JAIL time! They are CROOKS, LIARS and release a broken piece of SH*T, even though people trusted in them and payed upfront, from a long time ago and wasted MONTHS watching the development news and cycle of the game! FAQ them!
Now that this is out of the way, i permanently uninstall steam, i swear to all 8.000.000 kamis and okamis that i will NEVER AGAIN in the remaining span of my life preorder ANYTHING ever again and obviously, skip games that have console versions altogether, unless it is developed from CDPR.
Well, FAQ them! I spent a fortune in preordering and i got preordered season pass too, not only i was a fan of that game's universe but i promised this game to my nephew and niece, too! God damn it, thankfully Steam refund works! That game was a CLUNKY, BROKEN, MALFUNCTIONING, FULL OF ERRORS, COMPLETELY WITHOUT OPTIMIZATION AND EXISTENCE OF SETTINGS/OPTIONS TAB ENTIRELY ALTOGETHER, A SHITTY CONSOLE PORT, FULL OF ISSUES, FPS DROPS and worst of all, MOST of its problems, are GAME LAUNCHING ISSUES! Its requirements are quite lower than the witcher 3 too, which i can run just FINE!
Unacceptable! Had those people been professionals in the market on ANY other goods other than pc games, now they would face trial or even serving JAIL time! They are CROOKS, LIARS and release a broken piece of SH*T, even though people trusted in them and payed upfront, from a long time ago and wasted MONTHS watching the development news and cycle of the game! FAQ them!
Now that this is out of the way, i permanently uninstall steam, i swear to all 8.000.000 kamis and okamis that i will NEVER AGAIN in the remaining span of my life preorder ANYTHING ever again and obviously, skip games that have console versions altogether, unless it is developed from CDPR.
Post edited February 09, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7

proud to be a social jus- tice warrior
Registered: Jun 2010
From Netherlands
Posted February 09, 2016

*edit: and that made me happy for now.
Post edited February 09, 2016 by DubConqueror

proud to be a social jus- tice warrior
Registered: Jun 2010
From Netherlands
Posted February 09, 2016
Little energy and very scared today. Only found the energy and courage to take a shower and get dressed at 14:00. After that, I had to recover from the effort.

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted February 09, 2016
Furnace broken.

you are required to own on gog
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other

you are required to own on gog
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States

By Toutatis!
Registered: Jan 2011
From South Africa
Posted February 09, 2016
Damn hometown church is on to me, and they're starting to notice I never attend services anymore (they called me today for the 2nd time). I'd tell them directly to leave me alone, but my still goes there religiously, and I'm afraid that me leaving the church will put some heat on to her. In fact I know it will.
I'm going to have to think carefully about how to disappear from their radar without causing a fuss. It's kinda scary sometimes how cult like the whole setup can be.
I'm going to have to think carefully about how to disappear from their radar without causing a fuss. It's kinda scary sometimes how cult like the whole setup can be.

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted February 09, 2016

I'm going to have to think carefully about how to disappear from their radar without causing a fuss. It's kinda scary sometimes how cult like the whole setup can be.
Hell, even the saints and Christ are drawn weaving "mudras" (hand signs, finger signs) with one hand. Christians stole MANY things from others, including "Silkworm". Or rosario, which is a cheap rip-off of the Buddhistic "mala". Or the holy ghost, depicted as a pigeon, rip-off of the secret legend of the now extinct Tong Jug Yoga, which is transmigration of soul to other bodies through animals, pigeon the most preferred avatar among them.
Post edited February 09, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7