Posted January 31, 2013

When we become adults, we have this nasty habit of watching backwards with nostalgia and then sideways at how others are doing and then getting worried why "arent doing as well as they are doing". We start to feel like we are running out of time to do....something. And that feeling paralyzes and depresses many people.
Well, you know just few minutes ago I heard that our companys ICT boss died of illness, pretty young guy actually - forty something I believe. Well liked, sometime ago he went on sickness vacation and nobody thought much of it - and now suddenly he is dead. Just like that.
The point being - death happens and you never know when and you never know to whom. Maybe to you, maybe to me - maybe to some of your or my friends.
However, I dont think this kind of thing should be thought as negative thing "Awww everyone dies :Z" - but rather, realizing that we are here on this earth only for limited amount of time should make as realize that we have to live today. Right now in this moment - every day is precious. Learning from past is good, but worrying about spilt milk doesnt help anyone.
So value your life, value the people around you and if you want to do something, start doing it right now. Not tomorrow, for "tomorrow" tends to change to "day after" and then "never", because at some point we DO run out of time.
Dunno if it makes any sense, but my 2 cents.
Then my own Bitching part:
A) (%#)(%#=?)"# Windows 8 installation failed and I am not feeling like I want to do anything about it.
B) Salmon is too expensive and has too much dioxin in it anyways.