El_Double: @akwater
Yeah politics as usual, I've heard things are quite a mess down there. But that seems to be more like a status quo in the Middle East, if you'll excuse me. That's what all sources of information tell us here at least.
Well the Kurds expected Allawi to change things, al-Maliki did next to nothing for them, and this hike because of parlor deals....
Things are always gonna be jacked here to many sides, Turks, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Sunni, Shia, Baath, Kurds, can't please everyone.
We have Health Ministry personal being killed in their homes, lack of funding for basic needs, suicide bombers blowing themselves up because of election results, issues with damn near everything.
Sigh... who knows.... end of next year we will see what happens.
On a good note, 57 Students in southern Iraq finished their courses and are now doing all city services for the entire city. Water, power, Waste services, traffic, waste water everything..... :) troops had left the city last year and for awhile the people teaching were worried about it but the people, wow, they basicly publicly exucuted a guy planting an IED, and they havent had an issue yet in that regard. *their water, and waste water treatment exceed EPA standards :) dunno about the other stuff as I didnt read those reports (I'm a water guy :P )*