AlKim: I'm already wishing an early spring, but yeah. It's not so bad when there's so much snow it's packed against the road so it's not half as slippery out there. It's snowing again. Quite profusely, in fact, and the sky is dark.
Here (a few hundred kilometers to east from you) sun is shining brightly now, and the little snow there was has pretty much already melted away.
Everyone seems surprised though that the first snow came this early this year. It seems like the +15 degree autumn days were just like two weeks ago or so, now we already got a little bit of snow. I don't think I saw snow last year until December?
But then, I remember one year a long time ago when I got back from a work trip to France in late October, and there happened to be the first (and quite heavy) snowstorm in southern Finland. So much snow that the taxi almost couldn't drive me home at all from the airport, in the middle of night.