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orcishgamer: My evening plans fell through after I'd already showered, shaved, and dressed. Lame. None of my buds wants to hang out either, guess it's time to drink and play video games (not that that would normally be a bad night...).
That happened to me last night too, except the getting drunk and playing video games. Instead I had the bright idea of trying out a TRX class at my gym. For the past 24 hours my body has been crying out "why Jorean? Why? How could you do this to us?"
orcishgamer: My evening plans fell through after I'd already showered, shaved, and dressed. Lame. None of my buds wants to hang out either, guess it's time to drink and play video games (not that that would normally be a bad night...).
strixo: Take that clean shave and just go struttin.
I had those evening plans one day late, no strutting required, though the strutting doesn't sound "un-fun" by any means;)
orcishgamer: My evening plans fell through after I'd already showered, shaved, and dressed. Lame. None of my buds wants to hang out either, guess it's time to drink and play video games (not that that would normally be a bad night...).
Elenarie: Come to Pandaria and we'll eat carrots, drink beer, and tell stories. :)
I do not have the super special shiznit to get beyond Outland (nor a sub), sorry:)
orcishgamer: My evening plans fell through after I'd already showered, shaved, and dressed. Lame. None of my buds wants to hang out either, guess it's time to drink and play video games (not that that would normally be a bad night...).
Jorean: That happened to me last night too, except the getting drunk and playing video games. Instead I had the bright idea of trying out a TRX class at my gym. For the past 24 hours my body has been crying out "why Jorean? Why? How could you do this to us?"
Umm, I'll probably think the same tomorrow, but in my case... totally worth it:)
Post edited October 04, 2012 by orcishgamer

I need one of these jobs, NOT the one I have now :-\
Adzeth: I didn't actually give the components a bubble bath. I don't have a bath.
One day this will be the end of you and all that you hold dear.
I dislike doing things like this on my own, but my room mate and his girlfriend are at work, and I'm going to get rid of that lemon chemical. I'd rather ask them to remove it, so it wouldn't be so aggressive, but I just returned from the bathroom and I feel nauseous/lightheaded. They didn't ask me, either. I would've told 'em putting chemicals like that in the shared areas is a big no no.

I've gotten into some big fights about this stuff before, so I'm really reluctant to do this, but damn it, health comes first..
Adzeth: ...
As long as they don't own the place, it's pretty much your right. And if they don't want to come to an agreement with you, well... Let's just say it doesn't make you an ass :-P
Fenixp: As long as they don't own the place, it's pretty much your right. And if they don't want to come to an agreement with you, well... Let's just say it doesn't make you an ass :-P
Well, not only do they not own this student apartment, the girlfriend (culprit) isn't even supposed to live here. :p
Adzeth: the girlfriend (culprit) isn't even supposed to live here. :p
Ooooh, that happened to me once. When she was around, the money we paid for spent water suddenly doubled and she didn't lift a finger to do anything around the apartment. Needless to say she wasn't around for too long.
Ugh, woke up having the worst dream ever. My girl, dying alone (with me being far away), and sending me a text message in her last few seconds about how sorry she is for being a burden to me during her life. Still feeling sad (cried when I woke up).
Store had all checkout lines closed because the employees were not giving a fuck and after we drag one of them to do his actual job, when I get to pay he tells me that the card reader isn't working so I can't pay by card (there was no sign of this) and they won't open another checkout line just for me. Fucking fuckers.

So I left the things I was supposed to buy there, made a complaint in the store, called the head office and the national consumer protection agency and filled a complaint there as well.
AndrewC: Store had all checkout lines closed because the employees were not giving a fuck and after we drag one of them to do his actual job, when I get to pay he tells me that the card reader isn't working so I can't pay by card (there was no sign of this) and they won't open another checkout line just for me. Fucking fuckers.

So I left the things I was supposed to buy there, made a complaint in the store, called the head office and the national consumer protection agency and filled a complaint there as well.
At least your stores open on Sundays ...
SimonG: At least your stores open on Sundays ...
Only the larger ones; this one for example is open almost 24/7 except for an hour on Friday from 1am to 2am when they're doing inventory.

One of the things I hated when I lived in a smaller town was not having stores open after 8ish PM.
SimonG: At least your stores open on Sundays ...
AndrewC: Only the larger ones; this one for example is open almost 24/7 except for an hour on Friday from 1am to 2am when they're doing inventory.

One of the things I hated when I lived in a smaller town was not having stores open after 8ish PM.
Over here they tell us that keeping stores open longer than 8 pm is not possible. This is why it is forbidden by law. The main argument for this is that somehow the existing store personnel would have to work these additional shifts as for some reason nobody believes that more open hours would be a good reason to employ additional staff. This led to the strange situation of 24/7 gas stations basically doubling as super markets where everything costs almost twice as much as it would cost in an ordinary shop. Of course the politicians are working on the next ridiculous laws that force gas station cashiers to check if people really arrived by car or bike and deny them to buy anything otherwise.
Post edited October 07, 2012 by itti
itti: Of course the politicians are working on the next ridiculous laws that force gas station cashiers to check if people really arrived by car or bike and deny them to buy anything otherwise.
Well, there goes my plan of moving to Berlin or Munich in a couple of years.
itti: Of course the politicians are working on the next ridiculous laws that force gas station cashiers to check if people really arrived by car or bike and deny them to buy anything otherwise.
AndrewC: Well, there goes my plan of moving to Berlin or Munich in a couple of years.
What I said fully applies to Munich (Bavaria)... Berlin not so much. I hear these crazy people in the north have stores that are open up to 10 pm... ;)