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orcishgamer: To each their own, but it sounds like you have the very short end of the stick in that relationship. It's not about what you're "okay" with, it's about her putting very unequal demands on you.
Yeah, some stuff in our relationship is certainly unequal but you know, it's kinda well-balanced as a whole. We both have our own quirks so both of us get somewhat different freedoms. And she already knows that I have no problem with her having fun with other girls - besides, she hasn't ever gone beyond making out and... well, minor touches. :P
So it looks like we're not gonna make the deadline despite this death march. And now I got told that this fuckin manager who drove everything into the ground with his needlessly over-complicated specs and without any decent managing is "no longer responsible".

So this is the punishment for screwing up for a manager? Being "no longer responsible"? We still have to struggle and somehow meet the target with as much features as possible...

I will never ever agree to strict deadlines again. In the future (if there is any) I will up my estimations for the required effort by a factor of 2-3 just to make sure that no ignorant manager guy can drive me into further death marches. It's not that I didn't knew better. It was just a some kind of special situation where we as a development team had to prove ourselves for the sake of survival.
Post edited September 14, 2012 by itti
Me and my cars alternator belt parted company on the way home last night. Frantically tried to find a garage to fix a new one this morning, they then say its not just the belt - but the whole alternator needs replacing as well!

Ahhh. Dont they know its a Friday and I have to save my pennies for the GOG weekend sale!! Fingeres crossed there is nothing I am looking for.

Its probably Karma getting me back for not getting Gemini Rue and Resonance last weekend.


"Some days you're the pigeon, someday days the statue"

EDIT: Wohoo I already have all the games in this weeks promo - I feel like a bird! :P
Post edited September 14, 2012 by SimpleUser
I hate it how hard it seems to be find good laptop bags for big 17.3" laptops.

Yesterday I visited several stores in a mall, and while there are oodles of various kinds of (laptop) bags for <16" laptops, I found only a couple for 17"-18". One sidebag I was looking at was otherwise pretty nice and quite affordable, but I felt it was a bit too thin, as I want to fit in some other stuff too when taking it into flights etc.

I'd prefer a backbag type laptop bag, easier to carry. It should also have an ability to lock the zipper or whatever with e.g. a small padlock.

When I asked about them in one big computer shop, the salesman was oblivious to whether the "for max 17" laptops" sticker in many bags really means that e.g. a 17.3" laptop is too big for it, or are they included too in those specs. Once he started guessing about it, I decided not to buy any of them. I already have a couple of laptop bags or backbags where I can't fit the big laptop, only the smaller ones.

I'd like to test the bag with my laptop so that I can confirm it fits in nicely, and has lots of room for extra stuff too. But I don't feel I can really walk into various computer stores with my laptop under my arm, just to see how it fits. Damn, should I really create some plank wood "template" that lets me try it out in shops?

In online shops there may be a bigger selection, but I'd like to inspect the bag in person so I can see it meets my expectations, inside out.

And I'd actually need the bag already today...

EDIT: This could be one possibility, but not available yet:
Post edited September 14, 2012 by timppu
timppu: ...
This, maybe?

I have something similar, a previous edition (G71G) backpack. You can fit the laptop and a week worth of necessities in there.
I hate beamdog, even EA is better.
Soo, I just had sex. Not that bad, and also not that uncommon. But there is a little problem. Let me elaborate...

Usually I put women into two categories. Category one is potential lovers. Usually hot,but fairly uninteresting or interesting but not long around. Ya know, girls you don't really miss when they are gone or who you only meet for a short time. Category two are the interesting women I like two have around me because their friendship is something very worthwhile and shouldn't be jeopardized by letting feelings (or hot action cop sex) get in the way of things (I think the internet calls that friend-zoning). Worked great so far for me. Cat II girls are perfect for "wingmaning" me onto cat I girls.

(I'm trying to emulate the philosophy laid out in L'Insoutenable Légèreté de l'être. I'm not nearly as good as that dude, but a man can dream)

Aaand, (I think you can figure out where this is going) I, drunk and horny, hooked up with one of my cat II girls. Which I've known for about four years now and who is one of my closest friends in general.

This is trouble. Big trouble.

For the time being, I think I will let it runs its course but I see some great drama brewing in the horizon...

(Oh, and for the record, the sex was great. At least something to look forward to)
SimonG: For the time being, I think I will let it runs its course but I see some great drama brewing in the horizon...

(Oh, and for the record, the sex was great. At least something to look forward to)
Wait until you sense shit is getting boring for her and let have a conversation with her. That's my best advice. Just like there's plenty of cat I girls there should be more cat II girls in the sea. Unless it's going to cause drama among all your friends, it's not the end of the world, hopefully she's not trying to sneak some sort of "out of left field, we really need to be together forever" kind of thing on you, it could still work out fine.

And this is why I really need to start using social media:)
orcishgamer: Wait until you sense shit is getting boring for her and let have a conversation with her. That's my best advice. Just like there's plenty of cat I girls there should be more cat II girls in the sea. Unless it's going to cause drama among all your friends, it's not the end of the world, hopefully she's not trying to sneak some sort of "out of left field, we really need to be together forever" kind of thing on you, it could still work out fine.
That was fairly close to my battle plan.

We do think a lot alike ... ;-)
orcishgamer: Wait until you sense shit is getting boring for her and let have a conversation with her. That's my best advice. Just like there's plenty of cat I girls there should be more cat II girls in the sea. Unless it's going to cause drama among all your friends, it's not the end of the world, hopefully she's not trying to sneak some sort of "out of left field, we really need to be together forever" kind of thing on you, it could still work out fine.
SimonG: That was fairly close to my battle plan.

We do think a lot alike ... ;-)
That's fairly terrifying... for the rest of the world, muahahahaha!
here's my complaint:

I'm in hell. but its not so bad, Worse part of the whole experinace is that i have to stay healthy, thus i cant watch as much tv as i want. and i have to lose weight.

I'm always thinking: hell might suddenly erupt into hot flames and darkness, and then losing weight would be the least of my problems. my plan if that happens, is to escape. i might need a backup plan, escaping from hell is harder then it sounds.

that reminds me, i saw this tabloid once the other day, that read "Satan escapes from hell" I thought that was pretty funny myself. lol.
F4LL0UT: Oh yeah, also, my GF brought me another disease from work. Having a partner who has to deal with small children for a living sucks.
Sounds familiar. I don't think it sucks as a whole, though. Mine is doing something that she wants to do and probably getting some valuable work experience from it. Then again I'm not sick at the moment. :)

orcishgamer: Friend blew out his brains last night. Don't know why. Splat, no reason, what a waste, getting drunk.
Jeez, sorry. One of the heavier messages I've seen in this thread. Pardon for asking, but don't you suspect that there should be some reason, even though it might be completely unknown to you? No need to answer this if you don't want to, of course.

F4LL0UT: And she already knows that I have no problem with her having fun with other girls - besides, she hasn't ever gone beyond making out and... well, minor touches. :P
Different strokes, contexts and so on, but I might have tried to explore the possibilites for sharing some kind of advantage, but only if it felt OK and safe enough for everyone involved. I can see how her jealousy can come in the way, though.

sauvignon1: I won't know whether I got the AFROTC Scholarship until the Spring. Fingers crossed,
Good luck and prepare well. Is AFROTC something you can go through instead of OCS? Not sure how things work in the U.S.

ashout: I'm always thinking: hell might suddenly erupt into hot flames and darkness, and then losing weight would be the least of my problems. my plan if that happens, is to escape. i might need a backup plan, escaping from hell is harder then it sounds.
Although I wouldn't bet on the hell part (in a literal sense), getting fit might theoretically increase your chances of survival in a number of contexts. Also, hellish creatures are usually portrayed as pretty fit (remember Doom?), so get to it if you want a fighting chance.

Post edited September 16, 2012 by Primate
My SideWinder X6 has a curious volume rocker problem and Microsoft's tech support is nonexistent. I wouldn't mind if it was just plain useless or shitty, but providing people with links that lead to more links that eventually lead to a closed loop serves no one.
Damn, my old "trusty" Lenovo ThinkPad T400 is breaking up bit by bit. Or, it is yet again the damn USB ports.

Now two of the three USB ports are broken, the tiny plastic clip inside the port which is supposed to keep the pins straight and stuff has broken off in two now, with normal use.

I normally use an USB hub with this, but it is extra cables, and uses an extra power plug. And it won't help any if the last USB port gets broken as well, because the hub is connected to a free USB port anyway.

Earlier I bought one, no actually two, express expansion cards which gave me extra 4x USB ports. It used to work great for a couple of months, but just recently it stopped working as well. It may be it is due to the laptop, because I tried it on another laptop at work and there it seemed to work.

Thank god I haven't bought this laptop myself but it is my employer's, I would be miffed it it was mine (as this seems like a clear manufacturing problem, some brittle material in the USB ports or something maybe, according to Google; widespread problem with this laptop).

But, I kinda like this laptop, other than those breaking USB ports it has worked quite great, keyboard is great, has quite good compatibility with older PC games :) etc. Since my employer is trying to save money, I'm unsure if I'd get a new laptop even if all USB ports are broken. They'll probably just say I should use it with a docking station (which has extra USB ports), or just be content with using the damn touchpad like the rest of the world. How am I supposed to play games with a touchpad?!?

Maybe I will cause an "accident" for it, or make it look like a suicide... But in the meantime, I'll be moving my games to my ASUS G75. Too bad e.g. Infinity-engine RPGs run better on the T400 (thanks to ATI/AMD graphics) than the G75 (GeForce).
timppu: Thank god I haven't bought this laptop myself but it is my employer's, I would be miffed it it was mine (as this seems like a clear manufacturing problem, some brittle material in the USB ports or something maybe, according to Google; widespread problem with this laptop).
When my old laptop broke for the first time, it was 13 months old, as in one month past its warranty. HP support was kind enough to fix it for free anyway. After another 13 months it broke again in the same way. After some googling it turned out that the GeForce 8400M GS series had a really poor-quality connector thingie and hence it was prone to heat-related separation from the motherboard. I explained to this to HP who fixed the laptop again despite it being 14 months past its warranty time. Who knows, maybe you could do the same.

EDIT: Also, I don't understand women, but this should be fairly obvious anyway.
Post edited September 18, 2012 by AlKim