Starmaker: Okay....
Our department got blackmail. No one told me.
We decide to tell them to GTFO, in writing. Boss entrusts me with writing said GTFO.
Turns out the original letter has disappeared. No one made a copy. I do not know what to reply to.
I come reeeeeeeally early (lost sleep, was sick the whole day, didn't do anything constructive) to hack into the perp's PC (the admin said messing with the settings would be a pain in the ass so could I please just hack into it the usual way) and nearly get caught by the perp's boss. Because he, too, came reeeeeeeeally early to comply with Murphy's laws.
I stay reeeeeeeeally late and try to hack into the perp's PC again. Success. I find nothing whatsoever of interest. Probably keeps everything on a USB. Shit. I prepare to go home.
...wait, did I ever check the network drive? why didn't I check the network drive?
who the hell blackmails the IT department and keeps blackmail on a network drive? F-f-f-f-f-fuuuuuuuu...
You would be surprised at the stuff (AND amount of stuff) people keep on network drives at work.....people seem to assume most admins wont check....and i know plenty who dont..