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I am listening to my boss on the phone complain about her boss. Right now. Paying serious attention.
If their implementation sucks, and they don't want to hear you about suggestions... do it yourself.

VS+IIS Express+ASP.NET+1 hour of reading documentation=Implementation of TPL / ad blocker that actually works without breaking stuff left and right.

EDIT: Since I was supposed to rant here, ranting at all lazy programmers out there that don't give a crap whether their stuff breaks something.

EDIT2: Works with IE9 and IE10, if anybody wants it, let me know.
Post edited August 29, 2012 by Elenarie
T-minus 2 days before this awful exam and no one gives me a clear schedule to study.

Also, no time to do anything other THAN study.
I get to stand in line and be yelled at tomorrow. I hope I get accepted to the school I am applying for. Never thought I'd even go back to school, but I guess all plans change in time.
Boss comes in tells my friend (my supervisor) he has signed off for him til Sep but most likely be extended til Dec.Boss shows no indication whether i will here til then however and im not game to ask even though there will be plenty of work til Dec....

Oh met another nice chick at work today.Shame she has a bf. Story of my life :)....Unlike my friend (who is married), im kinda sick of looking/browsing/perusing the female's who turn up to work here...:/
Whats with all the 'recent' games and indies? Hardly any classic old games have cropped up lately (Lands of Lore doesnt fall into my classics categories.. and King of Dragon Pass is like WTF???!?!?!)

Our department got blackmail. No one told me.

We decide to tell them to GTFO, in writing. Boss entrusts me with writing said GTFO.

Turns out the original letter has disappeared. No one made a copy. I do not know what to reply to.

I come reeeeeeeally early (lost sleep, was sick the whole day, didn't do anything constructive) to hack into the perp's PC (the admin said messing with the settings would be a pain in the ass so could I please just hack into it the usual way) and nearly get caught by the perp's boss. Because he, too, came reeeeeeeeally early to comply with Murphy's laws.

I stay reeeeeeeeally late and try to hack into the perp's PC again. Success. I find nothing whatsoever of interest. Probably keeps everything on a USB. Shit. I prepare to go home.

...wait, did I ever check the network drive? why didn't I check the network drive? who the hell blackmails the IT department and keeps blackmail on a network drive?

Starmaker: Okay....

Our department got blackmail. No one told me.


...wait, did I ever check the network drive? why didn't I check the network drive? who the hell blackmails the IT department and keeps blackmail on a network drive?

The best thing you can do is post a copy here for us to peruse and submit advice. ; )
Starmaker: Okay....

Our department got blackmail. No one told me.

We decide to tell them to GTFO, in writing. Boss entrusts me with writing said GTFO.

Turns out the original letter has disappeared. No one made a copy. I do not know what to reply to.

I come reeeeeeeally early (lost sleep, was sick the whole day, didn't do anything constructive) to hack into the perp's PC (the admin said messing with the settings would be a pain in the ass so could I please just hack into it the usual way) and nearly get caught by the perp's boss. Because he, too, came reeeeeeeeally early to comply with Murphy's laws.

I stay reeeeeeeeally late and try to hack into the perp's PC again. Success. I find nothing whatsoever of interest. Probably keeps everything on a USB. Shit. I prepare to go home.

...wait, did I ever check the network drive? why didn't I check the network drive? who the hell blackmails the IT department and keeps blackmail on a network drive?

You would be surprised at the stuff (AND amount of stuff) people keep on network drives at work.....people seem to assume most admins wont check....and i know plenty who dont..
10-15 more pages, and I'm done with this stupid undergraduate thesis.

EDIT: Make that 20-25, APPARENTLY. Just listing a bunch of APIs took me three pages.

Now off to explain EACH ONE OF THEM... and then write about managing lifecycle of applications, scaling their interfaces, using contracts, and ooooooother stuff.
Post edited August 31, 2012 by Elenarie
The only respite I have in life is Video Games, My life is worse then being in prison I try my best to make everyone happy Y'know to "keep the peace" I rarely get any peace and quiet in my life **ever** so I learn to cherish the quiet I do get. When I get some peace and quiet my head does trippy things like rotates around a bit and then I also have stress seizures meaning I colapse on the ground (similar to grand mal seizures but I've been tested for epilepsy and don't have it)

I hate answering *weird* questions, PERIOD.

My Net friend gets on steam the night before last while I was in the middle of playing one of my game I |---WANTED---| to play and types "Whot ur doin'"
I typed "Playing skyrim"
then He types "I heard that a good game"
I typed "It's alright, I suppose but its not much better then oblivion actually"
he then types "so have you tried portal 2 co-op yet?"
I said reluctantly "No I haven't"
He types "It's good" then he types "game?"
So I join him on portal 2 we do some of the levels we get to the huge door where there are all these "test subjects" (bodies in canisters)
then he quits without telling me at all.
Shit that pisses me off when he does that.
Post edited August 31, 2012 by fr33kSh0w2012
Go freaking die already, you bastards.

Dammit, down-rating official documentation because they don't like the look of the interface. So, then you have to figure out why the documentation was down-rated, whether the documentation is wrong or not.

Jesus fuck, these piece of shits are a freaking disaster. Can't really believe idiots like this exist.

Stay out of the developers' freaking way, you retards. Take your shit and keep it home with you.
Fallout: New Vegas. Bugs. Weirdnesses that could be bugs for all I know. Some more bugs to top it all. Almost liked it more than Fallout 3, but now I'm not so sure. Hope the DLC is alright.
EC-: I get to stand in line and be yelled at tomorrow. I hope I get accepted to the school I am applying for. Never thought I'd even go back to school, but I guess all plans change in time.
They yell at you at school? Are you attending a military academy?
Made up the mind to take a challenging but very intereting course in university.

No particular requirement on registration page. Great!

2 hours later, from counselor: "You are not allowed to take this course, I have deregistered you from the course......"
