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akwater: why am i stuck on the ex?
Because you picked up the superglue instead of the lube?
Aliasalpha: Because you picked up the superglue instead of the lube?

Biggest problem is, we are actually quite different and yet somehow we made things work. Right now we are babysitting her sister's kid and things are in that "Wow I could actually see myself and her having kids and doing this for the next 18 years" type of thinking......:(
For the first time since April, I have to go to work on Monday ...
Aliasalpha: Because you picked up the superglue instead of the lube?
akwater: Lol~

Biggest problem is, we are actually quite different and yet somehow we made things work. Right now we are babysitting her sister's kid and things are in that "Wow I could actually see myself and her having kids and doing this for the next 18 years" type of thinking......:(
The fantasy is always better than the shitty diapers and sleepless nights... oh, and you both get more bitchy when kids are involved...

Other peoples' kids are like other peoples' dogs, they're great because you only experience them in short bursts and rarely have to clean up vomit or shit.
orcishgamer: The fantasy is always better than the shitty diapers and sleepless nights... oh, and you both get more bitchy when kids are involved...

Other peoples' kids are like other peoples' dogs, they're great because you only experience them in short bursts and rarely have to clean up vomit or shit.

The thing though for me was/is I'm well......I seem to normally find crazy chicks... this one isn't and had potential.... so the fact that she says she is over me, added with the fact im not over her...

Sigh, I got offered a job in Sudan yesterday..... I'm thinking I may take it, you know get the eff away from the states again, go back to chaos, it's what I know after all.
orcishgamer: The fantasy is always better than the shitty diapers and sleepless nights... oh, and you both get more bitchy when kids are involved...

Other peoples' kids are like other peoples' dogs, they're great because you only experience them in short bursts and rarely have to clean up vomit or shit.
akwater: True....

The thing though for me was/is I'm well......I seem to normally find crazy chicks... this one isn't and had potential.... so the fact that she says she is over me, added with the fact im not over her...

Sigh, I got offered a job in Sudan yesterday..... I'm thinking I may take it, you know get the eff away from the states again, go back to chaos, it's what I know after all.
Well there is some comfort in what you know, but you don't have to give up on a more conventional/quiet life if you don't want to. There's enough non-crazy women around that are worth a relationship (I can't advocate marriage for financial reasons, but companionship and partnership is fine).

As for crazy, they all seem to have potential at first, the crazy just comes out later on (sometimes much later depending on how well they hide it). I'm sure the same applies to crazy dudes, I just don't date dudes:)
Girlfriend-type-thing wants time apart to think, which is pretty out of nowhere considering the day before we were making cohabitation plans. She's got the worst communication in the history of the world and communication is a priority of mine, yet I am STILL sitting here wishing she would call.

Love's a bitch.
My girlfriend and I got in a bad car accident. We were leaving a game and we managed to get in a ditch and hit a few trees, causing her Expedition to flip over. Luckily I was able to get out a tad unscathed, she has a deep gash in her knee though. other than that we are fine.
Rohan15: My girlfriend and I got in a bad car accident. We were leaving a game and we managed to get in a ditch and hit a few trees, causing her Expedition to flip over. Luckily I was able to get out a tad unscathed, she has a deep gash in her knee though. other than that we are fine.
Glad you are both going to be OK
Rohan15: My girlfriend and I got in a bad car accident. We were leaving a game and we managed to get in a ditch and hit a few trees, causing her Expedition to flip over. Luckily I was able to get out a tad unscathed, she has a deep gash in her knee though. other than that we are fine.
Good to hear that you didn't die. :-O
Rohan15: My girlfriend and I got in a bad car accident. We were leaving a game and we managed to get in a ditch and hit a few trees, causing her Expedition to flip over. Luckily I was able to get out a tad unscathed, she has a deep gash in her knee though. other than that we are fine.
OctopusMan: Good to hear that you didn't die. :-O
The funny thing was, the trees were in my side and they almost crushed my side, she was the one who got hurt the most out all of us. :/
Good to see you ain't dead.

In other, more complainy topics, Netflix is now available in Mexico at the low low price of $8 USD a month.

The problem, though?

I need a credit card. And I don't have a Mexican credit card. T_T
I've got a phone interview set up at the local mental health facility. At another forum, the topic came up, and I did a little ranting. A guy posting there took it upon himself to arrange the interview, having never talked to me before.

Anyway, I don't know if it's due to knowing I may be finally getting some help on this, but my brain has gone into overdrive to mess with me. It started last night as I laid in bed, and my brain went crazy envisioning these horror scenarios where bad things happened, and what would I do. Specifically about my mother. Not that she has any health issues, but I am a bit of a mommy's boy. So the idea of my mom getting really sick, or worse, dying is something I have a hard time coping with. Of course, that was the type of scenario my brain was daydreaming up.

It's a really weird feeling, when you think your own brain is your worst enemy and hates you worse then your most mortal enemy.
Hawk52: It's a really weird feeling, when you think your own brain is your worst enemy and hates you worse then your most mortal enemy.
Do you have many mortal enemies? What about the immortal ones?

Anyway, good luck with that. It sucks to sabotage yourself. Better to talk with someone you can trust about it.
Hawk52: It's a really weird feeling, when you think your own brain is your worst enemy and hates you worse then your most mortal enemy.
strixo: Do you have many mortal enemies? What about the immortal ones?

Anyway, good luck with that. It sucks to sabotage yourself. Better to talk with someone you can trust about it.
I like to think in my past life I tried ti usurp the gods, so have been punished with terrible, terrible luck as a consequence.