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Hi all,

This is a shout-out to GOG's prompt, earnest and eminently helpful support team. I don't always close my tickets but that's only because you did your best to help me get back to my game and you succeeded with flying colors.

IIRC, Magic Carpet was my first purchase/install, thereby helping me fulfill a childhood dream of being able to play the game at all!

As a decade-long customer who continues to proselytize your store for the above reason, thank you for everything you do for us!

EDIT: Turns out I've been around for 10 years, not 9. Go figure.
Post edited October 08, 2021 by aplakkat
Agreed entirely. I often see complaints but I've only ever had great experiences with GOG support. The most recent time I opened a ticket, I received the most comprehensive and well-thought-out response I've ever received from any support team, period. The wait times can be a bit irritating, sure, but I don't blame them for that since the team isn't exactly huge.
Same here, I don't recall having bad experiences with the support overall, I recall they have always replied pretty promptly and I got the few refunds I needed etc.

Maybe the "worst" case was when I was asking about my problems running the Linux version of Two Worlds: Epic Edition, them saying that my Linux Mint is not supported by the game. Well, technically they were correct I guess as it lists only Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 as the supported Linux versions, but then since Mint is based on the latter Ubuntu, Ubuntu users have the exact same problem I think...

Whatever, even that wasn't so overly bad experience as the GOG "Linux version" of that game is merely the Windows version running in WINE. I can make the Windows version run in WINE myself (albeit for now I haven't been able to make the audio work, otherwise the game seems to run fine in WINE...).
Post edited October 08, 2021 by timppu
Credit where credit is due, the couple of times I had to submit a ticket the support team has been most helpful and reacted promptly.

Haven't submitted a ticked in a couple years now though, at least 2-3 I'd say...well, until the beginning of this week at least. :)
Credit where credit is due. Absolutely! GOG support is awesome, obliging, friendly, trying to help out as much as they can to resolve a problem. So far I never had a bad experience, even at times when they must have been very busy, where it hasn't taken more than 2 days to process my ticket, refund money or to offer status updates.

So, thank you very much, support team, for doing an outstanding job.


The only thing I wish they had was an open bug tracker like Mantis for reporting problems. This would make it easier for us to report problems, GOG doesn't get swamped with reports about the same problem, and we would be informed about the current status and priority.
Yes. A big Thank You!
Opened a ticket 7 days ago still no answer....

So maybe support is helpful or can maybe even be good , but they are definitely not fast at the moment !
Post edited October 08, 2021 by FiatLux
FiatLux: Opened a ticket 7 days ago still no answer....

So maybe support is helpful or can maybe even be good , but they are definitely not fast at the moment !
That seems to be the case after covid and cyberpunk release... Don't know what happened.
FiatLux: Opened a ticket 7 days ago still no answer....

So maybe support is helpful or can maybe even be good , but they are definitely not fast at the moment !
I recommend adding a reply to the ticket. Every time I've had a long delay for my tickets, doing that helped speed up the response. It may just be that some tickets get buried, I'm not sure.
As written above then GOG took a week to respond *BUT* when responding they solved my problem to perfection !

I most sincerely thanks GOG and I am very grateful for the kind and perfect support from GOG in the matter at hand , *thank you* !!!
I think, I only had to contact GOG's customer support a single time in all these years, and they replied pretty quickly (it was long before Covid) and resolved the issue at hand to my fullest satisfaction, so...yeah: thank you guys.

I always had a good experience with GOG Support, they are so kind and always tried their best to help you solve your problem. The great Assistance is why I always choose GOG over other Stores.
Thank you very much!!!!
Post edited October 11, 2021 by KetobaK