chimera2025: I am going to test a small giveaway here. The rules are that you can only request one of the keys, and I am planning on first come first served. Please post that you want something in this thread so people kind of know what is taken. In the end if there are any disagreements, I will make the decision on who gets it. I don't want anything contentious so if this deosn't work out I won't do it anymore. I am just putting up a few games I have right now and I will include more if it goes well.
Some of the games have had region lock notices on them, so some countries cannot get these games. Also, almost everything is a Steam key, but a few are not. Below are the first ones I'm offering up. Thanks.
The Book of Legends
Neverwinter: Vestments of the Wind Pack
Pathfinder Online 2-month free trial
Think of the Children
Death Squared
Broken Age
Cities XXL
Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: European
Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Art Deco
Regular Human Basketball
Take on Mars
Take On Helicopters
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic
Quantum Replica
Gift of Parthax
Throne of Lies
Smoke and Sacrifice
Please note that it is possible that I will make a mistake and if I do, it is an accident. I am just wanting to giveaway some keys. Also, I can't be on here every day, so please be patient for a response from me.