Michiduta: Why is it that the policemen/detectives/inspectors in point-and-click (and possibly other genres too, this just came to mind as I was playing Broken Sword 5) video games are mostly portrayed as characters incapable of even basic reasoning, reduced to being focused on idiotic suspicions, stubborn in following only their much appraised natural instinct/talent, instead of accepting and changing their reasoning/responses based on the evidence and insight brought up by the player character?
Why is it that you have to constantly find ways to trick these types of characters to be able to progress?
Fairfox: This is nooot just a video gaem trope, tho; I means thar are plenty of TV 'n' movie characters taht are
exactly teh same (mebbe teh most famous bein' Inspector Clouseau from Teh Pink Panther series?).
I guesses with P'n'C teh whole point (...'n' click, lolz) is you, as teh principle character, are having to solve puzzles
around teh police/authority figures. I means aside from, liek, teh Police Quest gamies (which are kinda strict on Police procedures from what I read (!)) surely it would be uber borin' to play a non-authority figure 'n' they just figure thangs out around you? Also! it's always a giggle in
all mediums to poke 'fun' at those seemingly in charge.
Just what with "teh" pseudo "homie, gan'gstyle lolz" you are impersonating with your typing, writing... I notice this months ago from you, but today i am moody and down vote your post just for this.. Because I can and because you are annoying me (and others forum users apparently!) with this every post i can remember reading from you... Seriously. :/
Michiduta: Why is it that the policemen/detectives/inspectors in point-and-click (and possibly other genres too, this just came to mind as I was playing Broken Sword 5) video games are mostly portrayed as characters incapable of even basic reasoning, reduced to being focused on idiotic suspicions, stubborn in following only their much appraised natural instinct/talent, instead of accepting and changing their reasoning/responses based on the evidence and insight brought up by the player character?
Why is it that you have to constantly find ways to trick these types of characters to be able to progress?
Can anyone point out some good video games in which detectives are not portrayed as completely incompetent?
Video games in which they might actually be helpful?
Broken Sword games are famous for that since the first entry, maybe it is a tradition to make police blockhead enemies in these... Hmmm well it seems games where the player assume the role of an inspector, detective are the decent ones in portraying police positively, working with the team to advance the game. I can't provide many titles though, the last one I've played maybe, Telltale's Law & Order Legacies?